A Beginner’s Guide to Recumbent Bike Workouts

Thinking of buying an exercise bike? So you should get the recumbent version of the cycle. It is arguably one of the best pieces of training equipment you can use. The bike puts less stress on your body than a traditional variant. The seating position is also much better than on a conventional bike. You can work the pedals in […]

The Key to Productive Strength Training: Double Progression

There are two main facets of athletic development: excellent nutrition and progressive training. Assuming you have your nutrition plan tuned with the correct amounts of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, your training protocol is all that stands between you and reaching your full potential in both athletics and health and wellness. in general. Unfortunately, when many people begin a […]

Calisthenic workouts: proper hydration

Although calisthenics workouts are the best way to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time, calisthenics nutrition is an important step on the road to a successful workout. Target, attention. Calisthenics nutrition is not just about food. Drinking enough is also a key part of your physical success. Proper hydration is very important in your daily life, let […]

Cardio Fitness for the Elderly

One needs to understand the pressure that being overweight and lack of exercise puts on the heart and lungs. Both are relevant to people over 70 because many tend to sit down, eat more, and enjoy playing board games or, like me, on the computer. Sitting for hours is extremely unhealthy and one day an inner voice told me to […]

Acid Reflux Treatments: An Overview

What is acid reflux? Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is not a disease but a condition. Over-stuffing and under-eating, excessive use of spicy foods, regular consumption of alcohol, and smoking accompanied by no exercise are considered to be major causes of acid reflux. In acid reflux, food in the stomach begins to back up into the esophagus. The […]

Mini Stepper Workouts – Lose weight with a Mini Stepper

Some people are under the impression that mini step workouts are not that effective due to the small size of these step exercises. It is true that when it comes to mini steppers there is a lot of junk out there. Cheaper models have low resistance levels, can be unstable, and are built with cheap, flimsy materials. However, not all […]

What Sumo Wrestlers Can Teach You About Weight Loss

There is only one sport in which athletes try to gain weight and accumulate as much body fat as possible: sumo wrestling. Size is a distinct advantage for sumo wrestlers, so they actually go to great lengths to gain weight. We thought it would be interesting to see some of the things sumo wrestlers do to get fat, so you […]

Athletic Training Programs for Incredible Weight Loss

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to enjoy sports training programs. In fact, personal trainers will agree that they are an effective way to lose weight. People from all over the world say their weekly training sessions and go to the gym for training programs. Instructors suggest that these programs are very popular because they are designed to […]

Bruce Lee Training – The Secret to His Great Endurance

Interval training was one of Bruce Lee’s favorite resistance training techniques. It always amazes me, the more I learn about Bruce Lee. The more I realize how far ahead of his time I was. Today, research has shown that high-intensity interval training burns more calories and creates more muscle growth than any other training protocol currently known. Let’s say you […]

foods to build muscle

One thing you need if you are going to be successful at building lean muscle is a healthy and nutritious diet. But, more than that, you need to know what is the right food to build muscle. This is where many people go wrong; they think that by drinking tons of protein shakes and eating massive amounts of food, they […]