Nothing Happens Until Someone Sells Something: How to Improve the Process

You may be familiar with the Arthur “Red” Motley quote: “Nothing happens until someone sells something!” Regardless of the extent to which Motley’s perspective may or may not be true, effectively managing the sales process and maintaining a path of steady revenue growth are everyday goals within organizations of all types and sizes. And while many external factors, such as […]

Would you like to be taller? The secrets to growing taller after puberty

Let me start by saying that most of my childhood I have been considered short and my height seemed to peak around 16 or 17 and my height ended up being around 5 feet 7 inches by the time I was 20 years old. I was really unhappy. about my height and was willing to do anything to be even […]

Casinos in Ghana

Ghana’s list of casinos is quite short – no surprise for a poor African country. Actually, by African standards, Ghana is not that poor. It was the first African country to shake off colonialism in 1957, led by Kwame Nkrumah. The next 30 years or so were the usual struggle against the economic incompetence of the various rulers, including the […]

My Two Favorite Mother’s Day Gifts That Cost Next To Nothing

I used to stress about what to get my mom for Mother’s Day. For years they were flowers, cards, clothes or even decorative elements for her house. As I got older, I realized that the things she kept and bragged about the most were the things that cost little or nothing but came from true love. You know, the handprint […]

Biogas powering the Olympic torch

China is playing a leading role in the area of ​​biogas, processes by which we can turn our waste, animal waste and food waste into a high-end usable commodity. The issue of using fecal matter as an energy source ranges from taboo in some societies to wide acceptance and use in others. In China, it fits into the latter category. […]

The top five ways to cheat the government and how you’ll get caught doing it

Introduction There is no such thing as a free lunch. There is a vein of gold in that old saying. And yet, that doesn’t stop many from trying to get something for nothing. Entire generations have now grown up trained to depend on government support, whether through food stamps, skewed tax credit laws, or welfare. Many of them hardly realize […]

How to organize your house for a quick sale

Selling your home can be a tedious process. People wandering through the house at inconvenient times. Always keep the house clean. General interruption of your family schedule. Most people who have ever tried to sell a house will agree that the faster you can sell it, the better! An important aspect of making your home attractive to buyers is that […]

Dust mites, does the Rainbow vacuum really get rid of them?

Years ago when I was demoing the Rainbow vacuum, I never ceased to be amazed at how much dirt and dust I saw in most people’s homes. Invariably, I was able to cloud the water in the 2-quart water container that the Rainbow uses instead of a bag. Actually, the water always seemed to have been taken from the Mississippi […]

Calisthenic workouts: proper hydration

Although calisthenics workouts are the best way to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time, calisthenics nutrition is an important step on the road to a successful workout. Target, attention. Calisthenics nutrition is not just about food. Drinking enough is also a key part of your physical success. Proper hydration is very important in your daily life, let […]

the spiritual journey

Most of our actions have some habit or emotional impulse at their source and could be better classified as reactions. However, conscious action is determined and directed by our thought and this has two aspects at work. The lower mind or Manomaya Kosha deals with material and concrete issues and is most active in Concentration on a material focus. The […]