How turmeric helped cure my prostate cancer and the health benefits of turmeric

Turmeric helped save my life. In 2012 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. As you can imagine, being told you have cancer is not a pleasant experience. Fortunately I had just started a 10 week assignment in a remote area of ​​Western Australia when my doctor broke the news to me over the phone. When I say lucky, I mean […]

How can you burn belly fat? follow this guide

We all want an attractive and healthy body. Unfortunately we all store fat, we store fat in various places. The abdomen and hips are the places where it is stored the most. The belly is one of the most problematic areas. On top of that, it gets in your way and your clothes don’t fit you anymore, it’s also one […]

Variety in triathlon training can help you lose weight

Training and competing in a triathlon is a great way to help you lose weight. A triathlon consists of swimming, biking, and running. Participants complete each leg of the event beginning with the swimming leg and concluding with the running leg. The distance of each leg varies. There are very short events for novice athletes and longer events that are […]

5 quick tips to lose weight

Have you ever searched for weight loss tips only to find you could spend hours, days, or weeks reading about the inner workings of metabolism and the oxidative metamorphosis of fat-producing cells? Well, if you’re like me (and I hope you’re not), you probably just want some simple weight loss tips. Therefore, I have listed some weight loss tips below […]

Impact of nutrition on the productivity and healthy growth of nations

Nigeria has improved a lot from the socio-economic point of view unlike in recent years. The problem of malnutrition still affects some of its citizens. It has long been hampered by political instability, corruption, inadequate infrastructure, and macroeconomic mismanagement. This has led it to over-reliance on the capital-intensive oil sector, which provides 20% of GDP, 95% of foreign exchange earnings […]

Green Tea Weight Loss – Lose Weight Simply Without Hype

On the subject of weight loss with green tea, Wikipedia says that there are no pages on weight loss management and green tea on the government website However, on, a search for green tea and obesity reveals Wikipedia to be dead wrong, with literally hundreds of articles showing that green tea does, in fact, have at least some […]

Ce sunt suplimentele alimentare?

suplimentele alimentare Un supliment alimentar este o formă de vitamine, minerale sau plante medicinale care este adăugată în dietă pentru a oferi nutrienți suplimentari. Aceste suplimente pot fi luate pe cale orală sau locală și sunt disponibile fără ghișeu la majoritatea farmaciilor și magazinelor alimentare. De asemenea, sunt vândute online și la magazinele naturiste. Oamenii iau adesea suplimente din motive […]

How To Lose Weight – Top 4 Tips To Get That Perfect Lean Body Fast!

People often adopt different techniques to lose weight consistently. There are different diet programs, different exercise programs that offer tremendous weight loss tricks to people. In this article, I will cover the most important ways to reduce fat. I will also give the most working methods for weight loss. • A significant way to lose weight is to play with […]

Healthy eating habits: the best time to make your daily meals

The best time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner: When it comes to having the three basic and regular meals of the day, that is: breakfast, lunch and dinner, one simply stuffs the food down his throat, like any other task of the day. , which must be done daily, without paying attention when making these meals. However, in order […]

8 facts you should know about the main myths of the vegetarian diet

Probably the healthiest eating pattern you can follow is that of a vegetarian or vegan. However, people (especially meat eaters) or people who like fast food often classify vegetarians, or those who practice that lifestyle, as frail or anemic. However, those are just two of the “myths-concepts” perceived by people who are not used to eating vegetarian or vegan food. […]