Jobs After Retirement: A Specific Guide to the Best Jobs for Retirement

Are you retiring, already retired, or do you expect to retire soon? Are you worried that by retirement he will be bored or out of money or both? This article looks at job opportunities for retirees and picks out the best retirement jobs. DO YOU REALLY WANT A RETIREMENT CAREER? First, take a moment to consider why you’re looking for […]

Uncommon home remedies

Have you seen that movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”? The Greek father has a hilarious compulsion to treat all human illnesses with a spray of Windex! That’s right, the window cleaner. He had never heard of using Windex for anything other than cleaning windows, but if it works, I’m guessing it’s because the alcohol did the trick, since alcohol […]

The advantages and disadvantages of transcribing

As a virtual assistant, one of the services you might consider offering your clients is transcription. While it sounds easy enough (you listen to an audio tape and just write down what you hear), it’s much more complicated than that. There are pros and cons that you should consider before making a decision to offer transcription services. According to the […]

Too many birthdays?

So I’m sitting here having a cup of Joe at the Warm Puppy Cafe in Santa Rosa. From the large windows of the cafe, I can see the children learning to skate on the ice rink. A little man in a blue sweatshirt (he looks to be about 6 or 7 years old) catches my eye when he grimaces right […]

Six Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids

There is nothing more exciting than sharing vacations with family and friends. Christmas is one of the biggest holidays of the year. Many people go to great lengths to buy gifts to exchange, decorate their home, and prepare to cook a big family meal. This is a very exciting time, especially for children who anticipate the gifts they will receive. […]

5 effective ways to promote learning in children

Learning is what most children do from the day they are born. Every day is a learning process and it is our job as parents to be your number one source of knowledge and wisdom. Teaching children is not always an easy process: there are days when they will not feel interested or motivated. There will be days when you […]

Parents, children and alone time

“What are some of the ways you explain to kids that mom and Dad needs time alone, without feeling guilty about it?” A journalist, writing an article about having time alone and time with your partner. When you have children, you asked me this question. Parents will feel guilty only when they think they are doing something wrong with spending […]

Thinking of Alpacas? Some basic questions and answers

Raising alpacas continues to gain popularity among all kinds of people. Some are drawn to the lifestyle of owning a small ranch. Others see alpacas as an investment opportunity (although we would call it a business, No an investment!) Those with a particular fondness for spinning and weaving may be drawn to the idea of ​​growing their own source of […]

Gift ideas for mom on mother’s day

Some find Mother’s Day gift ideas a breeze. For others… well, we settle for what we have to work with. For the past few years, ever since I discovered “gift cards,” that’s been my easy way out of gift giving. Yes, easy and predictable if done repeatedly over the years. Why not give her a gift that will surprise and […]

How to use a prenuptial agreement to create a happy marriage

We all know that planning a wedding, as exciting and wonderful as it may be, can be stressful. Preparing for a prenuptial agreement often adds to that stress and can lead to emotional problems. The process you choose to create the agreement can make a difference. Using mediation or a collaborative process can open the lines of communication, allow you […]