Don’t Give Your Dachshund Back Problems By Picking Them Up The Wrong Way

Most of the time, people don’t think twice when they pick up their dog. Adults pick up dogs and even small children pick up dogs. Sometimes it’s just an arm under the dog or sometimes it’s a hand gripping the neck. How you pick up a Dachshund is an entirely different matter. These dogs have very long spines, and if […]

Femininity: a reproach or a blessing for humanity?

The Bible tells the story of a famous temple that was built lavishly and with such a splendid door, but ironically, that door was opened daily by an unsightly cripple who was born that way. His shameful image lingered and loomed over the worshipers, clouding their vision of the good God they had come to worship. He was the first […]

How to know if a woman is attracted: the 5 signs

Maybe she’s that waitress at the local cafe. Or maybe she’s a coworker or classmate or even the friend you’ve always had a secret crush on. Regardless of who she is, if you like her, then you want to know if the feeling is mutual. Lucky for you, all women give off signals when they’re attracted. Most guys never pick […]

Physician Retention Strategies: You’ve Got Them, Now How Do You Keep Them?

Retaining the best talent is a key concern of all hospitals and practices. It costs an organization a significant amount of money to hire a primary care physician. Replacing a primary care physician can result in $20,000 – $26,000 in recruitment costs, a loss of $300,000 – $400,000 in annual gross billing, and a loss of $300,000 – $500,000 in […]

Safe Soy – I’m Dangerous

The story of soy and how it went from a relatively obscure and rarely eaten food to a $6.6 billion a year and growing major industry is curious. In 1913, soybeans were listed in the USDA manual not as a food but as an industrial byproduct. Originally planted extensively in the US to extract soybean oil, which eventually replaced the […]

My wife says she needs time! How this can help your marriage

There will be days in the life of a married couple when they question whether they should move on or separate. Sometimes these thoughts are temporary and are the byproduct of a rather lively argument that got out of hand when insults started being thrown at each other. Other times, the desire to end the marriage is based on longstanding […]

If I tell you that you will never get what you want, what would you say?

In life nobody, absolutely nobody gets what they want… Yes, you read correctly, you will NEVER get what you want… And before closing this post, thinking that I am crazy and start writing articles about my madness, let me finish the idea In your life, you will never get what you want, you will only get what you focus on! […]

Suplimente naturale pentru imunitate

naturale pentru imunitate Corpul uman este o mașină uimitoare cu puterea de a lupta împotriva bolilor și a infecțiilor. Să dormi suficient, să mănânci o dietă echilibrată și să te hidratezi sunt doar câteva dintre lucrurile pe care le poți face pentru a-ți menține sistemul imunitar puternic. Dar dacă sunteți în căutarea unui impuls suplimentar, există câteva suplimente naturale pentru […]

Is human nature being used against you?

Many books and essays have been written on the control of human populations, so what I am about to say is not some secret or silly “Illuminati Conspiracy Theory”: that’s the way it is, so nobody you should be too surprised. Some might say that humans are lazy by nature, or perhaps like every other species on this planet, their […]

The popularity of video game systems around the world

Video game systems have been growing in popularity since the first system was introduced decades ago, and its popularity continues to grow today. Now that many of these video game systems are in their third installment, these video game systems continue to gain popularity not only among children but also among adults. These video game systems have gained increasing popularity […]