Thinking about Plastic Surgery? Four signs it’s right for you

Not satisfied with a physical feature? Do you hope that plastic surgery can relieve back pain or other physical ailments? If you think you’re ready to have a procedure, it can be tempting to make an impromptu appointment with your doctor. Check out this checklist of four tips and advice to determine if you may be ready for plastic surgery. […]

WoW Troll Guide – Choosing the best class as a troll

History Let’s start with a brief history; Originally, the Trolls will not place their allegiance to any faction, but in a special circumstance, the Darkspear Tribe will join Warchief Thrall during the events of Warcraft 3 and have since become part of the Horde. Although they practice voodoo magic, shamanism, and priestly magic, they also have strong warriors who are […]

Well written books versus poorly written books

Have you ever been drawn to a book title and then ended up disappointed when you got to the end? There are so many new books published every day just waiting to be discovered. But it’s not all about the covers. It is a title that attracts people’s attention. Then the synopsis or a blur. It’s about that title and […]

6 Effective Natural Mosquito Repellents

Mosquito season is here! With so many repellent options to choose from, I am often asked which ones are safe and can be made at home, without any harmful chemicals. Here is a list of 6 essential oils that are excellent for fighting mosquitoes and other insects: 1. Peppermint Oil: It has countless health benefits: it helps with stomach aches, […]

Top 10 things to do in Gauteng

If you’re looking for a province in South Africa that offers a wide range of activities for every personality, from the stay-at-home to the adventurous at heart, then Gauteng could be the place for you. Take time to relax and enjoy the beauty of Gauteng. air to africa Take in panoramic views of Johannesburg and the surrounding area as you […]

7 Signs Your Marriage Is Headed For Disaster

As Chris and I approach our 16th wedding anniversary, I think about what we’ve learned together through our own experiences and other people’s mistakes, watching and mentoring hundreds of couples dealing with marriage problems. My goal here is simply to put up warning signs along Marriage Road so that if you see them on your marriage journey, you know you […]

7 Myths About Male Infidelity I Wish I Knew When I Found Out My Husband Was Cheating On Me

1. Only idiots have affairs. In fact, the opposite is true in most situations. One thing we often hear from betrayed wives is that others would be very shocked if they found out about their husband’s affair. Most of the time it’s the quintessential good guy who has an affair. He is the guy who helps everyone in the neighborhood […]

raise quail

When you live in an area where raising larger poultry such as chickens is not an option, quail is a great alternative. Most HOAs generally allow you to keep quail even when other types of birds are frowned upon. The truth of the matter is that as long as you keep quail manure smell in check, they probably won’t even […]

Hair 101 – Learn some beauty school basics

Hair is a filamentous biomaterial (made of long protein chains, interacts with biological systems), which grows from follicles found in the dermis (middle layer) of the skin. It is mainly made up of keratin, which is a fibrous structural protein. The entire human body, except for the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, is covered with […]

What is Kinesiology and how can it help you?

Kinesiology is a method of maintaining health by ensuring that all the muscles in the body are working properly. Each of the muscles is believed to be connected to a specific part of the body, such as the digestive system, blood circulation, and specific organs. If a muscle is not working properly, this will cause a problem in its related […]