How to lose weight without pain?

Is it possible to lose weight without dieting and exercising? Is there a magic pill that will help you lose weight without any effort? You know the answer. It’s not possible. When it comes to a weight loss discussion, there is always effort involved. The first thing that comes to mind is dieting. If I want to lose weight, I […]

Healthy food helps you burn fat

Without a doubt, burning fat is about consuming healthy foods. When we eat right, we eat healthy foods, we no longer have to worry about burning fat. Exercising in the gym for hours burns calories will not reduce your weight and will burn enough fat when you do not consider what you consume. It means that burning fat just by […]

What if I have cravings for salty foods on Medifast?

Sometimes I hear from people who crave a specific type of food and are worried that they won’t be able to have that food when on the Medifast diet. An example of this is salty foods. You may hear a comment like, “My perception is that most of the food offered at Medifast is sweet. The shakes and bars come […]

9 CrossFit exercises to lose weight and belly fat

CrossFit is a series of training methods primarily intended to improve strength and conditioning. It primarily focuses on Olympic-style weightlifting, but at the same time consists of various routines that aim to develop various physical attributes such as endurance, strength, speed, coordination, balance, and more. What separates CrossFit workouts from all other methods is that the majority of those who […]

Protein needs: men versus women

It is the same old war going on to end all wars. Are the men and women really so different? Genetically we are different. We have different hormones and we mature at different rates. Our brains process information differently, and studies suggest that we even communicate in totally different ways. But when it comes to nutrition, are men and women […]

Great running trails in Blackrock

After you first decide that you want to lose weight, it’s important to make a plan. It is always the case after setting a goal to lose hope soon after, because you start down that road with no prior battle plan and are not fully prepared for the obstacles that lie ahead. Many people go through this problem after making […]

Swim Spa Workout: the 4 best ways to train in the water

A swim spa is great for swimming, but did you know it’s an ultimate workout machine? These are the 4 best ways to train and condition in a swim spa. 1. RESISTANCE TRAINING The best upper and lower body exercises include resistance training. But there are only so many hours in a day and only so much time to spend […]

The HGC Diet Provides Rapid Weight Loss

HGC is produced in the body during pregnancy by the developing embryo. The HGC diet is a diet that has been developed using the hormone extracted from the urine of a pregnant woman. This diet requires that less than five hundred calories be consumed during the day. Although this has been around since the 1950s, it has now become an […]

Motivation to lose weight – How to get it

Most people want to change something to feel and look better. Losing weight is not an easy task, it requires willpower and determination. You really need motivation to lose weight effectively and maintain the results afterward. You really have to work on the psychological factor to start and continue doing what is necessary to lose weight. There are a number […]

10 tips to fit exercise into your day (and why!)

With the unofficial start of summer at the end of this month, many are beginning to think about starting to exercise before putting on their bathing suits and heading to the beach or pool. Exercise is, of course, helpful for weight control and muscle building and can improve physical appearance. What is less well known are the other physical, mental […]