Why do we complain?

Why do we complain? As a nation, we are the most powerful on Earth. Financially we have no equal. No other group of people on Earth can say that they live the way we live… the American way of life. As for work, the weekly salary of the lowest paid person can feed some families in other countries for months. […]

Quit smoking… An interesting experience with nicotine gum

A common strategy to quit smoking is to use nicotine gum. It has a small success rate, according to my clients, but it can curb a craving during the quitting process. A recent customer had a double hit issue. He smoked about 10 cigarettes a day and chewed gum about the same number of times a day. In the first […]

10 best natural supplements for hair loss

While there are a variety of prescription medications that can be obtained through online doctors for convenience and affordability, there are also many natural treatments that you can use at home. Here at ExpressMedRefills, we understand how important it is for our patients to feel confident about how they look and feel on the inside. Here we will look at […]

Are cheese and dairy products safe for dogs?

Dogs shouldn’t eat a lot of cheese or other dairy products, but some dairy products in moderation may offer some benefits to dogs. First, cheese is high in protein which can be good for your dog. Eggs are also high in protein and other nutrients, and are very good for a dog’s skin and coat. Cheese also offers vitamin A […]

How to Get Instant Car Loan Approval

Get Instant Car Loan Approval To get an instant car loan, you must provide two forms of identification – one is a driver’s license, the other is a credit card – and proof of residency (utility bill). The lender may require additional information such as pay stubs, SSN, or employment certificate. You must also show proof of income to qualify […]