Nagios Log Monitoring – Monitor log files on Unix efficiently

Nagios Log File Monitoring: Monitoring log files using Nagios can be as difficult as it is with any other monitoring application. However, with Nagios, once you have a script or log monitoring tool that can monitor a specific log file the way you want to monitor it, Nagios can be trusted to handle the rest. This kind of versatility is […]

Spring Break Ski Safety Tips: Understanding an Avalanche

It’s spring once again, but nothing can stop you from going on vacation in the snow. However, the danger of getting caught in an avalanche is eminent during this season. So here are some facts you need to know to fully understand an avalanche. An avalanche or “snowslide” is any amount of snow that slides down the side of a […]

Matthew Arnold and Three Classes – The Barbarians, the Philistines and the Mob

Matthew Arnold is really a great fighter for the real culture that prevails in London society. He finds the reign of materialism that is trying to strangle the real culture. So, in this chapter, Arnold divides the society of England into three classes: the aristocratic class, the middle class, and the working class. He finds Anarchy very common in these […]

Is it illegal to download free music?

The confusion surrounding music copyright law Because there are so many different ways to get free music off the internet, there has been a lot of confusion and conflicting views about what is legal and what is not. “Okay, so it’s illegal to burn a copy of a CD and distribute it. So you’re telling me I can’t burn a […]

Top 40 Wealth Quotes

What does wealth mean to you? Use these quotes from famous people to think about what it means to be rich. 1. “Man was born to be rich, or inevitably to become rich, through the use of his faculties.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. “Wealth is not a material gain, but a state of mind.” – jerry gillies 3. “Wealth […]

Samsung M100 digital camera

The world of digital cameras is getting more and more competitive and as time goes on we are getting better deals in terms of features and relative price. The Samsung M100 digital camera is a very good example of this development. The camera offers a variety of great features at a price that fits the pocket of the common man. […]

A thought for farmers’ struggles

India is an agricultural nation. A large number of the Indians are farmers. They are the foundation of the nation. They deliver the sustenance crops and oilseeds. They create the cash crops. They create some raw materials for our businesses. Therefore, they are the backbone of our country. Indian farmers are the most diligent workers in the world. They are […]

Travel to Bhutan

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go to Bhutan? My husband and I went in 2008, with our son who was two years old at the time. Bhutan is a small country located between Nepal and China. When we went, they were completing an extended highway connecting the two main cities of Bhutan, Thimphu and Paro, […]

Homemade carnival game ideas

Are you organizing a carnival party and need ideas for carnival games? Traditional carnival games are usually played in carnival booths. You usually trade one or more tickets for a turn in a game. Examples of carnival game booths include the Duck Pond game, Hoopla, Toss the Ball, Knock the Can, and of course, the Coconut Shy. If you’re throwing […]

What does an Xbox 360 mod chip do?

If you have an Xbox 360, or if you’re thinking of getting one, you’ve probably heard of mod chips. In fact, if you’re anything to do with game consoles these days, you’ve probably heard of mod chips, modded systems, chip systems, and mods. They all refer to the same thing: a chip that is created to make changes to the […]