Dispatches – Offerings to Mother Earth and the Cosmos

In Peru, one of the oldest traditions is the elaboration of offices, sacred offerings that are made to the spirits of the mountain (Sacred Apus) and to Pachamama (Mother Earth). This practice is intended to bring ayni, or reciprocity, in balance and is an act of deep love. In Peru, this concept of love is called munay, and it is […]

Catcher in the Rye: Mental Health Services and Social Connections for Children

JD Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye was required reading for my tenth grade English class. I remembered it as a story about the struggles of adolescence, the yearning for independence, and the reluctance to let go of youth. My son is now about the same age as I was when I read the book and we are experiencing his […]

Other tips to combat body odor

A previous article has discussed the basic methods of combating body odor, such as improving hygiene and personal grooming. Antiperspirants and/or deodorant sprays can also be used. However, these are only good for masking the body odor problem. If you are desperate, you can resort to methods such as surgery and Botox injections. However, surgery is not without its harmful […]

Interesting facts about Bolivian sport

Did you know… Like Un Yong Kim (South Korea), Sheik Fahad Al-Sabah (Kuwait) and Joao Havelange (Brazil), José Gamarra Zorrilla was one of the greatest Third World Olympic leaders. He played an important role in promoting the values ​​of sport in Bolivia and Latin America. José dedicated his life to fighting against indifference to sports and the deplorable condition of […]

Fibrovera: what every woman should know

Fibrovera is primarily designed to treat female hormonal imbalance. As you know, the two primary female hormones produced in the ovaries are estrogen and progesterone. Too much of one hormone relative to the other will lead to significant diseases in women such as increased body fat, lack of regular periods, reduced sex drive, PMS, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, and many […]

How to know when you just can’t get over infidelity

I often get emails from people who tell me they doubt they will ever get over their spouse’s infidelity in a way that is healthy enough to ensure they can move on. They really want to be to get over feelings of hurt, frustration, and betrayal, but there are often always memories, doubts, or problems that seem to get in […]

Christmas – Unique celebrations and traditions in Alaska, Africa and Australia!

Christmas is an event celebrated in many countries around the world. There are three countries here, Alaska, Africa, and Australia, all located in very different regions of the world and each with their own unique traditions and celebrations. These are some of its fascinating traditions and celebrations. Alaska – “Carrying the Star” is a traditional Christmas procession. Young and old […]

The truth about love with men

I’m not going to give you the illusion that the media or most dating advice ‘experts’ give you. Straight up: meeting the man of your dreams is going to happen when it’s supposed to happen! “What?” You can ask. First of all, you must play a role in this attraction/find a partner in the business of crime. To start you […]

Duck Breeding: How To Hatch Duck Eggs

Preparation of the incubator for duck eggs: 24 hours before it is ready, the incubator must be prepared. The incubator must be clean and sterilized. Never use an incubator that has not been sterilized. Styrofoam incubators are especially susceptible to fungus and mold. Incubators are run in warm, humid areas where mold and mildew thrive, cleanliness is very important, I […]

L’Oreal Professional Majiblond Hair Color

Neutra B technology facilitates neutralize cool tones and ensuring a cleaner and lighter appearance to the hair. High Tenacity (HT) Technology delivers long-lasting luminous results (903S only). L’Oreal’s proprietary core-to-surface technology ensures long-lasting color and ultra-radiant hair. Majiblond provides up to 30% gray coverage. It is developed with Ionene G and Incell Complex ingredients that penetrate the hair up to […]