Weight loss success stories before and after

Gaining weight is very easy while losing weight is very difficult and complicated. To inspire you, my dear readers, I will share with you before and after weight loss success stories of some of my friends. Their stories will help motivate you to lose weight and stay fit and healthy. EMMA’S REUNITED LOVE Emma has shown me that having a […]

How can endomorphs lose fat? – Tips and tricks for endomorphs

Life is sometimes very hard, some are luckier than others. When you’re an endomorph, you obviously want to know how endomorphs lose fat. Maybe some of your friends who eat a lot of food and get very little exercise can get away with it, but you certainly can’t. Such is life and you have to work much harder than others […]

NO Xplode by BSN – Consumed on an empty stomach

I’m currently on NO Xplode and notice the label says to take it on an empty stomach…is it okay if I take it with my pre-workout meal which is a protein shake? Ok… I think it’s about time I addressed this issue before it gets out of hand. It is NOT necessary to consume Xplode on an EMPTY STOMACH, which […]

The new hives of Foodaholic in the city of Valencia

The city of Valencia is the most populous, fast growing and most progressive city in the province of Bukidnon. International hotels, resorts and franchises like 7-Eleven are investing in the city. With this, many residents of the City are also influenced to put up capital to start up new and small but unique businesses. Most of these businesses owned by […]

How to lose belly fat in 5 easy steps

During your weight loss journey, you will find that the fat around your belly is the most stubborn to change. In fact, he is always the last to leave. The irony is that most people usually go to the gym with the goal of getting a six pack or getting that flat tummy in time for summer. However, once they […]

Natural Cures For Fibroids: Get Rid Of Fibroids With Natural Steps

Studies show that fibroids usually occur in people with hormonal imbalance. When the amount of estrogen in the body is high, a person is likely to have this condition. Therefore, most natural cures for fibroids generally involve ways to lower the amount of estrogen in the body. In this article, we are going to talk about some of these ways. […]

Is the egg a food considered healthy? Find the truth!

A few years ago it was thought that eggs were to blame for producing artery-clogging cholesterol in the blood (all the cholesterol is in the egg yolk). But in recent years, the Harvard University School of Public Health had tracked more than 100,000 nurses for about 10 to 12 years and could find no difference in heart disease risk for […]

What to have for lunch? Try the peaches and banana

If you’re looking for something to have for lunch, try the peaches and banana. Not only will they fill you up, but you’ll consume vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and still not gain appreciable weight. Not bad if you’re like me, not so young and watching everything you eat. Why not? After all, the body is no longer what it once […]

3 Steps to Get the Penis Size of an Adult Movie Star (NO Surgery or Dangerous Methods)

Yes, it’s true, you can get the size of an adult movie star’s penis… without undergoing dangerous (and extremely expensive) surgery and without using dangerous methods. I increased the size of my penis from 5 1/2 inches erect to 7 1/2 inches erect…and I did it without spending a fortune on those unnatural, unsafe, and ineffective methods. Simply put, you […]

13 ways to lose belly fat without exercise

Do you want to lose belly fat without exercising? It is totally possible. What it takes is having the right mindset and being able to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. As we enter 2018, set out how many pounds you want to lose in the first 3 months of the year and be determined to work towards […]