New research shows that dinosaur eggs directly correlate with modern bird eggs

Spanish Fossilized Eggs Show Strong Link Between Theropoda and Aves Paleontologists have been aware for some time of the close anatomical links between certain members of the lizard-hipped dinosaurs known as Theropoda and modern birds. A great deal of evidence has been amassed to show that certain types of dinosaurs, such as the Dromaeosauridae, the raptors, were closely related to […]

How to Tell If a Slot Machine is Going to Hit

Slot Machine is Going to Hit Many slot players ask, “Is there a machine that is due to hit?” or “What’s the best machine to play right now?” These players believe the slot attendant can give them hot tips. However, slot machine cycles are random and difficult to predict. While there is no way to predict when a slot machine […]

How to be successful: Overcoming perfectionism and procrastination: two sides of the same coin

Perfectionism and procrastination are generally considered separate and unrelated topics. However, when examined closely, they look more like kissing cousins ​​than casual friends. Procrastination is an obvious obstacle to success and achievement; while the other, perfectionism, appears as the desire to present quality and precision. Most of the time, they both serve the same purpose… keeping you from achieving your […]

Mother Earth

The cult of “mother earth” and “mother goddess” dates back to prehistoric times and was a widespread phenomenon in most of the world’s ancient societies. There is enough evidence in human history to suggest that we have always believed in living in balance with nature and, in fact, we revere “nature” and “earth” in a motherly way. Mother Earth: The […]

trip to lebanon

Lebanon is a small but interesting state in the Middle East with a rich history and culture. The cities of Lebanon date back thousands of years and still retain the atmosphere of the past. Lebanon is a small Mediterranean country, characterized by the large number of monuments of history and culture located on its territory, as well as the extraordinary […]

How book design and book marketing will keep your book alive

Too many authors spend all their time writing and then skimp on book design and marketing. They expect their publisher to handle all the details of book design and marketing, so they can just sit back and make millions year after year. So if these same authors decide to self-publish, they will quickly be lost in the morass of print-on-demand […]

Kurus pokera turnīrus izvēlēties?

pokera turnīrus izvēlēties? Pokera turnīros ir svarīgi zināt, kuros pokera turnīros spēlēt, lai jūs varētu maksimāli palielināt savu peļņu. Dūži vienmēr ir vērtīgi, taču tie var arī tikt saspiesti, ja jūs saņemat sitienu. Nosakot, kuras rokas spēlēt, paturiet prātā, ka flops var mainīt izredzes uz jūsu kombināciju uzvarēt. Savienojuma rokas ir kāršu pāri ar vienādu uzvalku, piemēram, QQ, AK vai […]

The 9 best places to visit in Africa before you die

Africa is the second largest and most beautiful continent in the world. It houses some of the best tourist attraction places that you would probably love to visit before you die. You will surely love these places after reading and knowing more about them. Masai Mara-Kenya Masai Mara is one of the largest wildlife reserves in Africa. It is located […]

Earn money with online poker blogs

Learn how to make money with online poker blogs. This is a perfect opportunity if you know a lot about poker. It’s time to use your hobby to earn money. If you follow some tips, you can get a huge useful profit. The first step is to spend some time learning more about poker. You can find a lot of […]

Georgian poetry and James Elroy Flecker

Georgian poets got their name from the reign of King George V, who was crowned in 1910. The first volume of Georgian Poetry appeared in 1912, proposed by Rupert Brooke. Four more volumes were published, the last in 1922, edited by Sir Edward Marsh. The Georgians are the poets who wrote the preludes and swan songs before and before the […]