How is an agency relationship created?

The agency relationship in law can be created in several ways, the first is by express agreement, which is where the authority for action is given orally or in writing. The second is by implicit agreement, which is where the authority can be applied to actions in a relationship such as the implicit agreement of cohabitation or implicit agreement and […]

5 Reasons to Keep a Positive Can Do Attitude!

If you hope to become the best you can be, it is wise to consistently proceed with a realistic, positive, can-do attitude. Although, many people claim to do so, it seems, only a relatively small percentage of them actually do. Some try to convince themselves, by proceeding, wearing rose-colored glasses, that it rarely achieves the best results, when it comes […]

Gold: a better and simpler explanation

The emotional inflexibility that dominates most gold analysis contributes to confusion and misunderstanding. For example, “The backdrop for gold today is as bullish as it has been in a long time”; or “The precious metals sector is in a major buy signal.” These and similar claims are often backed by loads of technical analysis – the best money can buy. […]

Expedia Hotel Coupon Information: Everything you need to know about this travel site and its affordable deals

If you’re looking for hotel deals, why not start with Expedia? It is one of the largest travel sites in the world, helping millions of tourists and business travelers plan and make their reservations. You get the best technology at your fingertips to find the lowest hotel rates, as well as cheap cruise itineraries and airfare. There is usually some […]

Accounting Conventions and Accounting Concepts

(1) Relevance The relevance convention emphasizes the fact that accounting should only make available information that is relevant and useful to achieve its objectives. For example, are companies interested in knowing what the total cost of labor has been? You are not interested in knowing how many employees spend and how much they save. (2) Objectivity The objectivity convention emphasizes […]

Shopping Center Managers – Determination of Gross Income for your Income Billing

When it comes to leasing and managing a retail tenant in your managed property, you will sometimes come across a rotating type of rent from which you will need to determine the rent to be paid. Rotating leases are very useful if the tenant is still establishing their commercial level or if the mall is new and not fully commercial. […]

Book Notes: An Overview of the Book on the Twelve Pillars

twelve pillars, by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener, is a short, easy-to-read story about a man named Michael Jones, who feels his life is at a dead end. He meets an older gentleman, named Charlie, who shares with Michael twelve “pillars” that have helped the owner of Charlie’s home, Mr. Davis, achieve great success. The story is somewhat predictable (though […]

There are millions of different life insurance policies! What should I choose?

What are the different types of life insurance available? There are many different types of life insurance available: term life endowment variable life permanent life universal life Maximum Protection Policy Renewable Term Life convertible term life protection only non-lifetime permanent Endowment cash value plan Maximum investment plan term life variable life Premium return policy And more! Confused yet? There is […]

The not-so-subtle connection between stress and poverty

People are poor because they are less intelligent than others, right? Poor people are less educated than rich people because they are less intelligent, right? People are poor because they lack confidence and drive, right? Poor people perform worse on most tasks because they’re not willing to put their energy into the task, right? WRONG, we all count! Stress obviously […]

Payday Loan or Cash Advance Loan – An After-Christmas Gift

December to January is the longest period of the year between paydays. Add to that the increased spending during the holiday shopping season and many people find themselves strapped for cash come January. Unfortunately, Santa Claus does not bring the gift of lower liabilities and bills in January, but often these bills are even higher. To avoid falling behind on […]