Book Overview – Wikinomics – How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything

In recent years, traditional collaboration—in a meeting room, a conference call, even a convention center—has been replaced by new and innovative collaboration methods, on an ever-increasing scale. Dan Tapscott and Anthony Williams’ book Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything has definitely stimulated discussion. First published in 2006, the book explores how some modern businesses collaborate en masse and use open […]

The I Ching connection

This article explains the deep connection between the oldest oracle in the world, the I Ching, and the oldest astrological system. The I Ching remains unsurpassed as a model for the universe. Therefore, its longevity as the oldest book in continuous use is not surprising. The universal laws embodied in the trigrams and hexagrams of the 5,000-year-old treatise mean that […]

What color should I wear for a Muslim wedding?

A Muslim wedding is a day of complete celebration for the bride, groom, their family and friends. Therefore, it is an occasion for each and everyone to celebrate. There is now a written rule of what to wear and what not to wear to a Muslim wedding. A lot depends on where in the world you live and the level […]

Accounting Conventions and Accounting Concepts

(1) Relevance The relevance convention emphasizes the fact that accounting should only make available information that is relevant and useful to achieve its objectives. For example, are companies interested in knowing what the total cost of labor has been? You are not interested in knowing how many employees spend and how much they save. (2) Objectivity The objectivity convention emphasizes […]

A History of Feather Head Wear – Feather Hair Extension Today

Our society has long adorned hair with feathers, a tradition that dates back hundreds of years. Feathers enhance the look of clothing, jewelry, hair accessories, and more recently, feathers have made an impact in the fashion industry in the form of feather hair extensions. Native American culture provides a rich history of feathered heads. For Native American Indians, feathers represented […]

10 Tips for Successful Indoor UV Tanning in Tanning Beds

Indoor UV tanning can be wonderful and beneficial if you know how to do it correctly. Here are 10 UV tanning tips to help you get the most out of your visit to a tanning salon. UV Tanning Tip 1: Select your living room. Believe it or not, but UV tanning can be one of the best beneficial skin care […]