Should Christian singles date more than one person at a time?

Here’s an often hotly debated question: Should Christian singles date more than one person at a time? The reason it is debated so often is because it is a very murky question. Before we can begin to attack the question, we need to consider: what is the purpose of dating anyway? And shouldn’t we be ‘wooing’ instead of ‘dating’? What […]

Kite Runner Life Lessons

Kite Runner Life Lessons, the story of two boys, Amir and Hassan the Sultan of Kabul, is that life lessons will be repeated until we get to that lesson. The story begins with Amir and Hassan being inseparable. Amir, the son of a wealthy merchant, believes that his father blames him for the death of his mother, who died while […]

Lord, change my name (3)

Jacob could not become all that God wanted him to be until his name and character were changed. You remember his meeting at midnight with that angel on the bank of the Jabbok River. After that wrestling match with God, his name was changed from Jacob (supplanter) to Israel (Prince of God, he will rule as God). Yes, you will […]

What’s wrong with online videos?

Inspired by the launch of, I took a quick tour of what’s available on video online. And the results are a frustrating mix, to say the least. It’s certainly more complicated than the video programming I can get from my DirecTV dish. How a normal person is expected to make this technology work is beyond me. After looking at […]

Michael Jackson – The Good Die Young – What the Media Didn’t Tell You!

I write this article from my heart, through exhaustion and despair for humanity, not only for Michael Jackson but for others like Princess Diana and other celebrities, the press builds them up and then breaks them down and when they break down they go to the ground. final. . Michael Jackson was not rare, he suffered irreversible tragedies and media […]

The Great Gatsby: An Analysis of Love

“If love is only a will to possess, it is not love.” America in the 1920s was a country where moral values ​​were in decline. Every American had one goal to achieve: success. Francis Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, presents a realistic picture of American life in the 1920s. His characters, like many people of that period, care […]

The hidden secret of logo colors and how they affect your customers

Can you imagine if the “Golden Arches” were purple, or if IBM’s colors were red and green? You may have wondered who, how and why came up with the colors they created. Why do so many restaurants like McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Subway wear red, orange, yellow or green, but not much blue or purple? Chances are, […]

World Class Free Film School – Lesson 1 – Sign Zee’s Papers!

Welcome to the World Class Free Film School! In the following series of articles, we’ll impart our hard-earned knowledge as successful independent digital filmmakers. And (drum roll puh-leaze!) we’ll do it for FREE! Now why would we do such a thing for free? Well, because we’re dating. Because we love you and we want you to succeed in this sometimes […]

Baby Sharky Brush Review

This is what I know about teething after having two children who both decided to grow teeth. 1. Teething sucks for everyone involved. 2. I am the perfect human pacifier. 3. I can’t be the perfect human pacifier every day. 4. Teething sucks for everyone involved. Oh really. When my firstborn started teething, I tried many different things. I tried […]

How to make a small fortune writing short ebooks

On the Internet, many writers talk about the huge amounts of money that can be made by writing and publishing short e-books. This type of writing can be really profitable, and coupled with the fact that these simple eBooks can keep selling for years to come, it gives you the opportunity to build a great passive income system. However, the […]