Book Review: A Dog’s Purpose

A Dog’s Purpose: A Novel for Humans By: W. Bruce Cameron Publisher: Forge Books Publication date: December 2016 ISBN: 978-0765388117 Dog lovers have always known that dogs are intelligent, loving, and deeply devoted to “their humans.” Author W. Bruce Cameron has taken this knowledge and added a unique twist that builds on it: a novel that imagines a dog, who […]

Quick tip to lose weight

I would like to tell you a little secret of my success in losing weight so fast. First, you must make a decision. The decision is that you are going to do this. You are going to follow the training plan and you are going to change the food that you put in your mouth. You’re going to hit play […]

Tupac alive?

Still wondering if Tupac Shakur is still alive? If you are like so many other fans, you have come to the right place. In this article you will find some of the most shocking theories that have plagued 2pac’s death since 1996. I have gathered a great deal of information that has been on the internet and compiled it in […]