What is an absentee homeowner?

Definition: Absentee Owner – An owner who does not live in/on their property; most use the services of property management companies An absentee landlord, or absentee property, generally refers to owners of investment properties. Absentee owners do not reside in the location of their investment property and will typically live outside of the property’s local economic region; however, they receive […]

Understand the types of information synced through iCloud

While many people may have seen Apple’s TV commercials, they are still not familiar with the benefits of iCloud and how to use it. Understanding and customizing the information synced across your devices will help keep your important information up to date across all your devices. By opening the Settings app on your iOS device and selecting iCloud, you can […]

Why boxing is about to disappear

The heavyweight era ruled the world. People from all over the world traveled to Las Vegas and other popular cities to see huge, burly men face off in the ring. Now, however, heavyweight champions are a thing of the past. Few consumers are willing to pay top dollar to watch relatively unknown boxers dance against each other for twelve rounds. […]

Senior life insurance policy

Seniors are one of the most valuable parts of the community. They are also the most fragile and near the end of life citizens. Many of the death benefits seniors have (eg, social security, pensions) will pay only a set amount, usually leaving spouses or children to pay the balance. That is why insurance for the elderly is important. Also, […]

31 Facebook Post Ideas You Can Quickly Make

If you run a business, you know that networking, building relationships, and having a strong online and offline presence and/or brand is essential. More and more companies realize and accept that they must have some kind of presence in the field of social networks. In my presentation, “The 5-4-3-2-1 Social Networking System, Keep Your Sanity and Keep Growing Like Crazy,” […]

Are you living green? Measure your Ecological Footprint Now!

No, this does not mean at all that we paint ourselves green and go on with our lives. By living green we mean making our life choices sustainable, sustainable in terms of what we eat, what we wear, what we buy at the market, how we travel, what we do in our workplaces, the structures in which we live and […]

Everything you ever wanted to know about New York without guilt

The “New York Comprehensive Auto Insurance Law,” which most people call the “no-fault statute,” was enacted in 1973 and went into effect the following year. The purpose of the law was to limit the number of auto accident personal injury claims, as many politicians had this agenda on their platforms. The no-fault statute was innovative in that it provided for […]

How to reuse blog posts in videos

Your is the best place to get ideas for your videos. If you have an active blog, you can use analytics through Google to find out which blog posts have received the most attention. You can then use that to help you brainstorm new ideas. Find your most popular blogs Using Google Analytics, determine which blog posts you currently have […]

Give Mom a Break: Free Stuff for New Moms

For many new moms there is nothing more precious than having their new baby in their world. For others it is something terrifying. They are not sure what to do with this new baby and how to take care of it. The best thing for these mothers to remember is that some of these things come naturally. Other times, you […]

Exercise on an elliptical trainer to improve your mood

Even the most optimistic people have gone through times when they did not see their life in a positive light. Some people struggle with depressed mood on a regular basis, while most become more anxious and depressed in response to a negative event, such as prolonged unemployment, divorce, or the death of a loved one. The medical profession has a […]