Frozen Pipe Prevention: How To Keep Your Pipes From Freezing

The winter months can be a worrying time for homeowners. As the temperature begins to drop, thoughts of weather-related flood damage to rental properties, particularly caused by bursting frozen pipes, may become reality. Broken pipes can become a huge financial burden that could have been avoided if both tenant and landlord had taken a few simple precautions to winterize the […]

Earn money online by taking surveys for beginners

If you are new to paid surveys, you may be wondering how do I start earning money by participating in online surveys. This article is a guide for paid survey newbies and be sure to follow my step-by-step instructions below to get started quickly and well. 1. Please note this: DO NOT pay anyone to take paid online surveys in […]

diary story

A vital part of any writing effort is using a journal to brainstorm ideas for future writing projects. Keeping a journal is an active learning process and helps us focus our thoughts to give them meaning when before they were just swimming aimlessly in our heads. Journaling also gives us a place to record our observations and memories before life […]

From the west coast to the deep, deep south

This morning, I saw my first armadillo since my sister picked me up at the Houston airport and drove us 3 hours further into Texas. The prehistoric-looking creature was wandering around the burn pile this morning. Finally he entered the forest. Moving from the West Coast to deep East Texas has been a big transition. Mom can’t stay alone, so […]

iPhones VS Androids, their differences and similarities

There is a buzz of excitement in the media and telecommunications circle as iPhone and Android users vie for which is the champion of its kind when it comes to mobile technology. From a productivity point of view, both devices have their differences and similarities. However, depending on the respective categories they serve, there is always one that has a […]

Top 2 Reasons for Business Loan Denials

Over the past five years, there has been an increase in sources of business financing in the US. Specifically, the alternative lending market has proliferated to meet the needs of entrepreneurs who do not have the credit (personal or business) or the operational capacity to obtain the approval of traditional bank financing. Although useful in the short term, many of […]

Would you buy a Zojirushi BB-HAC10 bread machine? I do not think

To be fair, the Zojirushi bread machines are good, and customer reviews give them an excellent overall rating. But these machines don’t come cheap and I’m not sure the cost is always justified. Personally, I wouldn’t buy the BB-HAC10 – it’s too expensive and you can buy other better machines for much less. Zojirushi is one of those brands that […]

Is it better to buy or lease a car after bankruptcy?

If you want to get approved on the best possible terms when buying a car, it’s important to learn about your auto lender’s credit guidelines before you apply for credit…especially if you’re bankrupt. It will save you time and frustration, but more importantly, it will help you avoid credit inquiries that can lower your FICO credit scores by as much […]

How to encourage creative thinking in children using visual arts materials

I firmly believe that everyone is born with creative abilities. My experience is that many people who are not aware of their creative abilities do not understand what creativity is. Unfortunately many people were not encouraged to develop their creative abilities as children. This is one way to encourage creative thinking in your child. Recognizing, developing and using our creative […]

Why is Easter too commercial?

Traditionally, Easter is about celebrating the life of Jesus Christ and his resurrection on Easter Sunday after being crucified on Good Friday. Today, however, the meaning has been clouded behind the plethora of Easter eggs and activities people have access to and pressured into. This is not to say that Easter eggs are bad in any way, but in order […]