Less Grumbly: a continuation of ‘Grumblings of a Slum Lord in the Post-Bust Environment’

Sure, each of us has “teams” of attorneys, real estate agents, title agencies, financial people, insurance agents, and contractors who work with us, but don’t be fooled: Real estate investing is very much an individual sport. . Many investors don’t have receptionists to greet them when they show up for work or water coolers around which to shoot bulls with […]

World of Darkness – From Mortal to Vampire

White Wolf’s World of Darkness offers players the opportunity to play mortal by peeling back the layers of shadow as they discover that the world they live in isn’t as rosy as they first imagined. Sometimes they find themselves discovering the truth about who controls the city. The undead monsters (vampires) are in charge, and the characters have blended in […]

A sign of early pregnancy: vaginal discharge

Everyone knows that morning sickness is a sign that you might be pregnant and the most well-known and obvious indicator of pregnancy is the lack of a menstrual cycle, right? Did you also know that vaginal discharge could probably be a sign of early pregnancy? If not, read on for the details. The vaginal discharge you may see on your […]

If you’re just having an emotional affair, can you still be in love?

I sometimes hear of people admitting to an inappropriate relationship that hasn’t yet become physical. This can be very confusing because it can look like you’re cheating when, technically, you’re not (at least physically). Many people in this situation admit to having very deep feelings that can certainly seem 100% real. Some even believe that they are “in love” with […]

Old School Wisdom – Go back in time to advance your training!

Many advances have been made in energy, health, technology, and other areas of life. In strength training, not so much! Stop trying to be original. Harness the wisdom of our strength ancestors and start getting results! Why pave a new path when there is already a good one to follow? Here are two routines inspired by the past to start […]

Einfach zu bedienendes AV -Switching- und Steuerungssystem für Klassenzimmer

Einfach zu bedienendes AV Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Klassenzimmertechnologie einfach und effektiv verwaltet wird, benötigen Sie ein einfach zu verwendendes AV -Switching- und Steuerungssystem. Eine gute Wahl ist Extron, das viele Klassenzimmerlösungen bietet. Die globale Konfiguratorsoftware erleichtert Setup und erfordert kein Programmierkenntnis. Für Klassenzimmer mit nur drei Lehrern oder drei Technologiemitarbeitern ist diese Lösung die perfekte Wahl. Egal, ob Sie […]

Loss on drying tests in pharmaceuticals

Loss on drying is described as weight loss as a percentage of w/w resulting from volatile substances and water of any kind that can be removed under specified conditions. This test is performed on a mixture of substances. If the substance to be tested is in the form of large particles, then the sizes should be reduced by rapid grinding […]

Is it possible to put a cat flap on a composite door?

Whether or not it’s possible to insert a cat door into a composite door is a question that baffles many homeowners, and it’s one we try to address as efficiently and informatively as possible. As a general rule, you can, but there are a number of factors that should influence your decision. the door in question Composite doors are made […]

The history of leather

The use of animal skins for clothing and basic survival items dates back to early man in the Paleolithic period. Cave paintings discovered in caves near Lerida in Spain depict the use of leather clothing. Man hunted wild animals for food, but removed their hides and skins from carcasses and used them as crude tents, clothing, and footwear. Early man […]

Web optimization can lead to more website traffic

Advertising You can create the best looking site on the web, but what good is it if no one can find it? This is where advertising and promotion comes in. By promoting your site on the right channels online, you will find that it takes a little brawn and a lot of knowledge to make your products or services known […]