3 natural ways to stop sweating. Natural Cure Excessive Sweating

3 natural ways to stop sweating. Natural Cure Excessive Sweating Just think that today, Hyperhidrosis affects 5% of the population, and only 40% of people who suffer from it, seek medical attention to find the right treatment. Hyperhidrosis has become an epidemic! Antiperspirant is usually the first line of defense against hyperhidrosis. But if you’re concerned about your health, you […]

The 15 Best Movies That Should Be On DVD But Aren’t

I just did a quick inventory of all the big movie titles that haven’t gotten their comeuppance on DVD, and the sheer number surprised me. I know rights issues and other legal dilemmas can tie up creative assets for years, but surely if determined minds really applied, some resolutions could be reached. One unavoidable problem is that in the all-powerful […]

How can I lose a stone in a month? Fast weight loss with intermittent fasting

Rapid but sustained weight loss 1 month, 1 stone, 1 concerted effort Let’s find out what is necessary to achieve this. If we assume 30 days for a month, then we need to lose about 5 pounds every 10 days (about 2 kg or 15 pounds in 30 days, or 0.5 pounds per day, or more than 3 pounds per […]

Government Promises of Pension Benefits – Beware!

Federal employees and their families find themselves in this situation, which unfortunately is not that uncommon. In planning for retirement, the federal employee seeks verification of the amount of money he will receive upon retirement. In some cases, a government agent from the Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) or other agency will notify the employee of a guaranteed amount of […]

projection as protection

I’ve been thinking about projection a lot lately, especially since so many of my engaged and newlywed clients have persevered with the thought, “I don’t love him.” This is such an important and complex topic that I have written about it several times, but let me put it more clearly here: projection is a defense or addiction against feeling the […]

Ohio Real Estate Lawyers

Although Ohio real estate law does not require you to have a real estate attorney, there are certain instances where having an attorney may be a good idea. When purchasing property that has common interest developments, it can be difficult for the average consumer to discern between portions of the property that are for exclusive use and portions that are […]