Youth employment regulation

The youth of a nation is seen as the future of the nation and therefore it is essential to point them in the right directions and protect them from exploitation during work. Work according to the law1 is defined as human effort, whether intellectual, technical or physical, carried out in exchange for a salary that can be permanent or temporary. […]

Why You Need a Good Calgary Employment Lawyer

Calgary Employment Lawyer For Employees. A reliable employment lawyer toronto can assist you to navigate the complex legal aspects of your employment case. Professional team at West Legal can provide the following Employment Law services, specifically tailored to your specific legal needs and circumstances: EMPLOYMENT. Finding a suitable, appropriate and fair employment agreement is a time consuming process. The team […]

Keep Your Makeup Game Strong: Include These 10 Things In Your Dressing Box

Do you know what is the best part of being a woman besides being able to reproduce a new life? Makeup, and it sure is every woman’s first love. Being a man, I never had the opportunity to take those long hours improving my appearance and feeling so beautiful about it, but surely with the expression on my daughter’s face […]

Smartphone Skins: HTC Skins & XO Skins GPS Skins

The insatiable need for the latest gadget Many of you reading this are like me; you have to get your hands on the latest and greatest devices. Impressed by the latest human achievements, features and technology designed to dazzle your imagination. Many of these new devices are designed to entertain, make our lives easier, or both. People anxiously wait in […]

The art of selling a spectrum game

Let’s face it, the graphics weren’t the selling point of a ZX Spectrum game. It wasn’t often that someone would grab a box of cassettes and yell “WOW, look at the graphics for this game!” – Spectrum gamers knew what kind of graphics they would likely get before even moving to the back of the box. What made it worse […]

The Utah Jazz plays to hear the sweet sound of an NBA championship

Have you ever wondered why the Utah Jazz is called that? New Orleans, Louisiana, was the birthplace of jazz, right? In fact, the NBA team, the Utah Jazz, was originally the New Orleans Jazz. The Jazz played in New Orleans from 1975 to 1979. When the team moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, it kept the original team name. Here […]