How to send Paypal payments with your credit card

Paypal, owned by eBay, is a great way to send payments for eBay items or any item purchased over the internet. In a matter of minutes, you can send payments around the world. However, Paypal also has its fair share of critics and members who disagree with its policies and agreements, especially when a decision goes against the complaining member […]

Why Ride-Share Driving is the best video game of all time

As someone of the video game generation, I have played many games. In the 1980s, games were very binary with only a few colors on the screen. But there I was, staring at the screen for hours. The games progressed over the years and the consoles and graphics improved. Now games seem to incorporate the real world around you through […]

Amazon Prime Twitch Digital Games

What do you get with your Amazon Prime membership? You get Twitch which is a popular online service for video games, digital video broadcasts, artwork creation livestreams, music, talk shows, and occasional TV shows. Twitch is a subsidiary of Amazon; is owned by Twitch Interactive, I love all the free entertainment that comes from my Prime Membership. Twitch, which allows […]

Warhammer Invasion the Card Game: Deck Building Strategies

When looking at the cards trying to decide what to put in your deck, it is easy to be surprised by the high cost cards. The problem is that without the right amount of inexpensive cards, the big dogs will never see you play. You need a reasonable number of cards that cost 3 or fewer resources with a single […]

The largest technology IPO of 2018 is overvalued

I admit it … I am one of those people who sings a little too loud (and a little out of tune) when I have headphones on. Especially if Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin ‘” is playing. I can’t help it, the music moves me … much to the chagrin of anyone within listening range. In fact, most of my iPhone’s […]

Why Penny Stocks Are a Good Investment During a Recession

We are witnessing a global financial crisis. Stockbrokers are living a nightmare; somewhere God has unleashed the Raging Bull to endanger the global economy. You are witnessing the rise and fall of large numbers of companies during this depressing recession. You look a little under the radar, you watch the small businesses wriggling for a space to exist and, curiously, […]

Why is the law an ass?

Do you know that there is a saying called “the law is an ass”? It is derived from an English proverb that compares the stubbornness and stupidity of the law with the supposed innate nature of a donkey. It was popularized by Charles Dickens in his novel “Oliver Twist” where Mr. Bumble is told in court regarding his dominant wife […]

Planning a cross country road trip

The open road is a liberating place. You can just take the road and take off where the wind is blowing. Travel from one state to another and see all the wonders America has to offer. America was based on the exploration of the hills and valleys that surround it. But while there is something to be said about simply […]

Google is strongly committed to Indian languages

The global giant recently announced a series of newly customized products for the Indian community. Google expressed particular interest in products that support Indian languages. The announcement was spearheaded by the growing number of Indian Internet users, which led to the goal of extending its reach across the country. At this year’s Google event for India, the company said it […]

Document Capture Software Comparison

One of the strengths of document management is provided by tools such as document capture and scanning. What would be better for your company, a complete document management system that includes the capture of documents or the purchase of both separately? Many vendors, such as EMC Captiva or IBM Datacap, provide a tool that can be integrated with solutions from […]