Ness’s Notes (August 28)

It is often said that you only need to pick the SU winner in the NFL to also cash the ATS winner. I’m sure that’s been true this preseason. Last night, Sage Rosenfels led the Texans on an 11-play, 76-yard touchdown drive, scoring with 2:53 remaining. That score didn’t give the Texans the win (they lost 17-14) but it gave […]

Karate Kumite: use of multiple techniques to counterattack

Many karate students fail to respond with multiple techniques after an incoming attack, leaving them frustrated when they miss with the first counter attack. Your opponent could move out of range, perhaps your counter technique is blocked, or perhaps you hit an arm or shoulder instead of your intended target. This is frustrating because your “one chance to score” is […]

Football Betting Tips

How depressingly gray would a world be where everything is governed by a set of universal rules that rigorously shape everything? Isn’t it better if we hit back with a chance to confound the tweed-clad straight brigade and weave some exotic odds into life that really don’t approve? It is precisely this change that inspires even the most sober of […]

make a diet breakfast shake without protein powder to lose weight

It is a simple matter for you to get enough protein in your diet daily from regular foods. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women ages 19 to 70 should have 46 grams of protein per day, while a man should consume 56 grams per day. With the average protein powder containing around 20 grams of protein […]

The Genius Project, First Evolution – Masters and Blind Spots

A very common perception for most people is that we all see the same reality. We tend to be fooled into thinking that everyone else sees things the way we do. Surely everyone realizes the fatal flaw in this strategy in the future, right? I’m sure everyone else sitting around this table appreciates the impact this decision is going to […]

Gibraltar – What to see outside the city

There is plenty to see and do outside of the obvious destinations of Gibraltar city center and even the Upper Rock. Gibraltar has a quieter and less crowded side with natural beauty and views of the Mediterranean not to be missed. Alameda Botanical Gardens The gardens serve as a lush and peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the […]

2009 Road to the Super Bowl

After nine weeks, the NFL is shaping up with some very interesting matchups to come. At this point, there seems to be about ten teams with a decent chance of making it to the Big Game. Over the next four weeks, figure in tough schedules, key injuries and a bit of luck, and the field should narrow down to the […]

Why can’t I make the law of attraction work for me?

I get asked more about this topic than any other and it’s one of the hardest to explain so that people really know and understand how to apply it to their lives. Many of my readers around the world ask me why they can’t seem to make the Law of Attraction work for them. They read, study and practice what […]

Bob People Deadlift Workout

For those who don’t know Bob Peoples, here’s some background. Peoples was born in 1910 in Johnson City, Tennessee and at the age of 9 developed a passion for weight training. He stirred that passion by purchasing the Farmer Burns course and reading “Strength” magazine. When Bob turned 18, he became very interested in the deadlift. He did all the […]

A look in the rearview mirror of college football: The worst of 2006

A trip down football memory lane Before we start another season, let’s take a last look at last season to remember the good times. And put the bad guys to a worthy end. Lessons from the past can be useful in preventing failures in the future. Unfortunately, many of the schools that appeared in the 2006 FirstWorst Futility rankings seem […]