Do men ever regret leaving their wives?

I often hear of wives who hope that one day their husband will regret leaving them. Often times, these same wives will tell their husbands that leaving is a mistake that he will one day regret. And often the husband doesn’t believe this for a second, or has doubts that he might have overruled his need to go and see […]

Home remedies for strep throat

Are there home remedies for strep throat? That depends on what you want to say. There are many ways to lessen the symptoms of strep throat, but none to cure it. Strep throat is a specific type of sore throat caused by group A strep. Some patients become seriously ill with this infection, while others do not have a sore […]

Phonemic awareness assessments identify weak cognitive ability necessary for learning

A phonemic awareness assessment can help your child identify a weak cognitive ability that is necessary for learning. Weak cognitive skills are a major factor in most learning disabilities that affect people from all walks of life. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and analyze discrete sounds. It is the cognitive ability that allows us to connect the sounds […]

The 15 best Christian books for children

One way to instill godly principles in your children is to read Christian books to them from an early age. Even babies and young children benefit from hearing God’s truth on a daily basis, and colorful picture books are a great way to expose them to biblical principles. As editor of the Christian Children’s Book Review, I see a lot […]

The Role of a Child Care Center: Preparing Your Child for School

A child care center may also be called a preschool, kindergarten, or early learning center. Even if the type of learning that takes place in such centers may seem simplistic (it involves a lot of game-based programs), it requires suitably qualified teachers. You will also likely come across one-stop centers, which offer more than one service to your child. These […]

10 Things You Should Teach Your Puppy Before He Is One Year Old

Have you ever come across a dog at the dog park, or have you had to take care of a dog by a friend and discovered that they have absolutely no doggy treatment? That is because they have not been properly trained. Here are the 10 things you MUST teach your puppy before he turns one, so you can have […]

8 reasons why you can find a friend for life in your cousin

You can always count on your family before anyone else. And life makes you socialize and you have to be independent on your own. But can you always depend on your friends for everything in life? Maybe not always. That is why God gave us cousins. They are the first link we have with the kinship after our parents. And […]

Fool for god

The following article is an exploration of the spring break season and its spiritual implications. In it there will be a unique perspective with special emphasis on the importance of appropriating our dualities with the purpose of transcending them. The duality of spring is that, although it is a time to “clean the house” thoroughly, it also asks us for […]

US Coast Guard Approved Life Jackets for Kids, What Does This Mean?

When our three-year-old daughter is not afraid in a bathing suit! Splash around, chase waves, and laugh in sheer delight. She covers her nose while “wetting” herself, then jumps up to “surprise” us … a new version of the game of hide and seek. While I’m excited that she’s brave, confident, and loves to explore, I still … wonder … […]

So why do quadcopters make great Christmas gifts?

If you’re looking for that perfect Christmas present this year for boys (and girls!) Of all ages, you should look at one of the many different quadcopters and drones options that are available today! You really want that excitement and that sheer look of happiness when they open their presents on Christmas morning and once they unwrap their new drone […]