Belly Bloat – How To Get Rid Of Bloat Fast

What causes the swelling? Mainly overeating, eating foods that don’t agree with you, leading to excess gas and constipation. Other causes include menstruation, food allergy/intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome. Suffering from bloating is a common but annoying disorder. He feels uncomfortable, lethargic, unmotivated, embarrassed by his bulging belly and the noise it makes, and is sometimes in pain. Let’s look […]

80th Birthday Favors: Top 7 Tips For Choosing The Best Party Favors For This Milestone Occasion

Are you planning an 80th birthday celebration for someone special this year? If so, you may be looking for party favor ideas. Here are the top seven tips to help you find the right keepsakes to commemorate this milestone. 1. Plan ahead. Give yourself time to brainstorm and navigate. If you leave this to the last minute, you may have […]

Thumbs down! Quit that thumb sucking habit.

Every baby is born with a natural sucking instinct. It is what makes the baby take his food. However, the sucking instinct diminishes when the baby reaches three or four months of age. Thumb sucking, on the other hand, develops more as an infant’s comfort-seeking mechanism. Finger or toe sucking is sometimes observed to develop as early as 15 weeks […]

Your Defiant Child: Review

I studied this book as my primary source in preparing and writing my second crime/mystery book. That’s one of the reasons why I mostly substituted the word ‘child’ for ‘challenging’. The other reason is that I try to apply the context of the book to retarded adults rather than defiant children. Retarded adults are kids anyway, right? In addition to […]

How to protect your child from being bullied

In order for your children to be protected from bullying, they must develop a strong sense of self, have at least one good friend, and have a circle of friends. While it is never too late to develop self-esteem and establish personal rights, children should ideally experience their worth and self-worth from before conception. If you don’t value them, they […]

Improve auditory processing with these fun activities

If your child has auditory processing and finds it difficult to focus and retain information, here are some fun activities that you and your child can do together that will target and improve auditory processing skills: Practice sequencing with sounds. Ask your child to cover their eyes with their hands while you make a noise like closing the door, sneezing, […]

Yu Gi Oh Card Theme Birthday Party for Kids

Yu Gi Oh originally began in Japan as a popular card game featuring dueling monsters. From there, it became a manga comic and eventually an extremely popular cartoon show. It seems to have gotten even more popular than previous monster card games in recent years and makes a great party theme for any kid who has developed a passion for […]

Fertilizers: what you need to feed your lawn

Just like humans need food, water, and shelter to survive, grass depends on certain elements to live, sixteen to be exact. Most of these elements are already found naturally in the environment, but several others need to be added to your lawn. Adding fertilizer with these three elements, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, does the job. Before you run to the […]

Parent-child relationship: the time to “stop” and “listen”

“Raising children IS the hardest job in the world!” a statement every new parent hears. Your response would be a simple nod or a laugh, but you’ll have no idea until your baby DOES come out. I bet you were thinking, “No, it doesn’t sound so bad.” Once your child is born, it means the end of your social life; […]

How to choose bedding for your children

Comforters and pillows aren’t recommended until your child is around a year old, but after that it can be hard to know how to tackle the minefield of a child’s bedding. Do you use blankets or a duvet? But even a traditional quilt? Do you choose feather or synthetic bedding? And, of course, all bedding should be easy to wash […]