Small Space Living – It Doesn’t Have to Be Crowded

There seems to be a clash between our desire for our own living space and the high cost of living. Too often we are forced to sacrifice our comfort for the sake of affordability. Everywhere you look, big old houses are being converted to multi-family townhomes, old factories and schools are being converted to condominiums, and forget about a backyard. […]

Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city center

Some people say that the city center is the best place to live. One has easy access to all the comforts of life. Additionally, the centers of the cities are the places where all the centers of business, educational, official and commercial activity are located. Commute time is nothing compared to living in the suburbs. However, there are also some […]

Questions to ask your listing broker

What is included? Make sure you know what type of direct marketing list you are purchasing. Does the list include names and addresses? Are the phones included? What about emails? Don’t assume that because you’ve requested a mailing list, phone numbers or emails will be included. Some mailing lists will include telephone numbers, but many will not. Mailing lists generally […]

Safe Deposit Boxes Offshore: Safe Places to Store Your Cash

Sooner or later, you may end up in possession of sensitive documents or other highly valuable portable assets that need to be kept in a secure location, such as an offshore safe deposit facility. What kind of things are we talking about? Any valuable paper. Things like car titles, coins (rare), passports, bearer shares, citizenship records, bills of sale, pension […]

Termite Damage Effects

You may be surprised at the devastating effect of termite damage on a building. When you have a swarm of termites, they can eat away at entire wooden beams and cause such problems with the fabric of the building that it could make it uninhabitable. The effect of termite damage often takes a period of several years to cause serious […]

How to protect your home and real estate investment

Disclaimer: This is based on my personal and professional experience. It is still best to consult with a lawyer or your accountant for further clarification. Today, let’s talk about your property and what you can do to protect it. Some of you may have recently purchased a property or invested in one, but don’t really know how to protect your […]

Crawlspace – Underhouse – Floods – Water under your house can cause a variety of problems

Standing water or damp soil in your basement can come from a variety of sources. These may include but are certainly not limited to the following. (1) A leaking fresh water supply line, usually galvanized, copper, pvc, or pex. (2) A leaking sewer drain line, usually cast iron, galvanized, clay, or ABS. (3) Naturally high water table. (4) Overwatering plants […]

6 Essential Tips for Getting an Accurate Property Valuation

Not too high, not too low…perfect! Property valuation is much more of a science than an art… however, there are certainly ways that you can help ensure that scientific analysis is carried out as accurately as possible. There are quite a few factors that can muddy the waters when your property appraiser is creating a hypothesis about the market value […]

An introduction to real estate property management software

The real estate market is a booming industry. The success of the industry is the result of competition and the intervention of modern technology. Most of the people in the business prefer to use a real estate property management software to stay ahead in the race. This software has been designed to cater to commercial and residential properties, office buildings […]

10 Mistakes Home Sellers Can Avoid in Los Angeles

Ready to sell your home in Los Angeles? You will likely have many decisions to make along the way. Learn more about the mistakes home sellers can avoid before selling their home in Los Angeles! There are many things to consider when selling your home. Sellers often make the same mistakes, but there are ways around them. The first step […]