Book Review – Between Two Bridges by Victor Colaio

It was sometime in the mid-1980s. I was dining at Forlini’s restaurant at 93 Baxter Street in midtown Manhattan with my good friend Rudy Riska, who was the athletic director of the Downtown Athletic Club and was known as the King of Heisman Trophy. I grew up across the street from Forlini’s, in a tenement at 134 White Street, on […]

5 reasons why you have small white bumps on your face and how to get rid of them

Are you making these mistakes every time you see a little white bump on your face? Fixing those little white bumps starts with a small dose of education and ends with a big dose of prevention. After understanding the five reasons below, your little bumps should give way to clearer skin. Reason #1: You have no idea what those little […]

What are the benefits of using an ergonomic mattress?

If you look at the current market for home furnishings and appliances, you can (should) notice that most of them are advertised as being ergonomically correct. Ergonomics, meaning that something is designed so that its user experiences greater comfort and ease, has quickly become one of the most important factors to consider when shopping for a new investment. Mattresses should […]

Benefits of mutual masturbation with your partner

Do you find it hot and erotic to watch your wife masturbate? Have you ever masturbated in front of her? Do you realize that if you mutually masturbate with your partner, you will have the hottest sex of your life next time? Let me dive into the details. One of the things that I always recommend to couples is that […]

Some Things About Wheatgrass Juice You Probably Didn’t Know

There are many people who think that wheatgrass juice is simply a healthy drink that you can sip for energy and nutrients. The truth is that there are books full of long lists of uses and applications. Among its health benefits, it detoxifies addictions, cavities, sore throats, skin problems, constipation, improves blood sugar, high blood pressure and breathing. There are […]

Paul McCartney: ‘McCartney’ (1970)

The breakup of The Beatles freed John Lennon, but it was much harder for Paul McCartney to accept. Having valiantly tried since 1967 to keep the band together, he was now taking the most important steps to break up the most popular band of the sixties. Legal battles with his ex-Beatles and his shocked reaction to the lousy final mix […]

Exaggerated use of highlights and facial contours. Do you really need it?

Highlighting and contouring originated from male to female drag queens to use makeup artistry as a way to soften jaw lines and hide facial hair and the arch of the eyebrows. This style of makeup was known to be heavy on highlighting and contouring and very expressive. However, for non-professionals, the art of contouring and highlighting can seem like a […]

Who said bananas are not good for you?

After reading this, you will never look at a banana the same way again. Bananas: With three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose, and glucose combined with fiber, a banana provides an instant, sustained, and substantial energy boost. Research has shown that just two bananas provide enough energy for a grueling 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit […]

Sauron is a malignant narcissist

JRR Tolkien produced one of the greatest stories ever told as it perfectly depicts the struggle between the dual forces better known as good and evil. In fact, the main antagonist of The Lord of the Rings, Sauron the Deceiver, symbolizes narcissism at its core because he actively works to consume all that opposes him. That is, anything beyond Sauron […]

Makeup Tips: A Guide to Makeup Brushes

When applying makeup to the face, it is important to use the right brushes. Not all brushes are created equal, and some are better at applying makeup than others. You’ll want to invest in a great set of makeup brushes to avoid damaging the delicate skin on your face. The first thing to do when shopping for makeup brushes is […]