History and background of hot stone massage

Introduction Massage is perhaps the oldest form of practical healing known to humans, easily predating written records. For millennia, people of virtually all cultures have used a combination of touch, heat (thermotherapy), and stones as therapeutic tools. It is pretty safe to say that almost all cultures have used heat and / or stones to have some type of healing […]

Digital marketing and online marketing

Digital marketing, the promotion of products or brands through one or more forms of electronic media, differs from traditional marketing in that it uses channels and methods that allow an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what is not. typically in real. hour. Computerized advertisers analyze things like what is seen, how often and to […]

The need for information governance and data classification to comply with the GDPR

Approaching the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective as of May 2018, companies based in Europe or that have personal data of people residing in Europe are struggling to find their most valuable assets in the organization. : your confidential data. The new regulation requires organizations to prevent any personally identifiable information (PII) data breach and delete any data […]

Contest Create your own business plan

You still remember a few years ago when you asked some of your schoolmates to be part of a team to join a business plan competition hosted by your university. So vivid in his mind is the dedication, persuasion, and analytical skills that led his team to the final with many offers to bring his business plan to the initial […]

Dog Pile Metasearch Engine Features and Benefits

Dog pile is a meta search engine that compiles results from most search engines and delivers them to you in a more comprehensive form, meaning you don’t have to go through each search engine painstakingly just to find what you’re looking for. This meta search engine also looks for duplicate content in searches and removes them from the list to […]

VRI use case benefits

Is Your Business Using VRI the Right Way? Should you hire a face-to-face sign language interpreter? Well, the answers to these questions depend on what the use case is. For many companies, video remote interpreting is an invaluable tool for communicating with their deaf employees or clients. However, in some cases, this is simply not a good solution for interacting […]

Google tools to improve digital marketing in 2018

Almost every major company, regardless of industry or state, uses Google to meet some type of requirement. Whether it’s Google Drive, Google Docs, or the well-known Gmail, it seems as if they all depend on at least one of Google’s Services to support their daily work routine. That being said, there are some hidden gems in Google’s toolbox that sometimes […]

Most useful SEO tools

Explained in simple terms, search engine optimization is a combination of processes adopted to highlight a website in the major search engines, in order to attract maximum traffic. Unless you have a website that offers niche products, you must continually maintain your SEO efforts and keep inventing new ones, to maintain a decent placement in search engine results. While some […]

8 ways to teach your child about God’s love

Valentine’s Day is the day America celebrates our loved ones. We tend to buy expensive gifts and elaborate cards to show our family and friends how much we love them. But did you know that this tradition began around 270 AD in an ancient pagan festival that celebrated fertility on February 15? The name is believed to come from a […]

When does a corporate video add value?

A professional corporate video production can greatly enhance your company profile and can be used in a variety of applications. Here are some of the most common uses for corporate videos. Production of promotional videos A promo video is a fast-moving, dynamic commercial, often with musical accompaniment, and can be used to promote any of the services or products your […]