What is intrinsic motivation?

There are two types of motivation extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The first is used with incentives and the second is actual self-motivation. Intrinsic motivation is more effective in the long run because it means that the person has a real interest in doing something that he likes. Usually, we see that most people try to motivate others with rewards and […]

Promoting Products Or Services Via Email

Promoting Products Or Services Email marketing is a valuable tool for sharing new products, sales or updates with customers on your contact list. Its scalable and cost-effective nature makes it an important part of most businesses’ inbound marketing strategy. The most effective promotional emails are focused on achieving specific marketing goals and should be designed for the right audiences. This […]

Top 10 Internet Marketing Tips for Beginners

In this article, I’ll give you 10 simple yet effective internet marketing tips and also some helpful resources to go with them. 1. Create a YouTube channel A YouTube channel is not only very easy to create, but also easy to manage. According to most internet marketers, video is the future of traffic as it continues to grow at a […]

Top 5 Web Analytics Tools to Improve Business Performance

Every company generates data and records it as part of its operational requirements. Data, particularly data related to business websites, can be presented in many forms, such as the number of users who visit your site and their locations, or better yet, the number of users who purchase products from your site, among others. . Left unattended, data can be […]

Why and how to improve teacher morale in a school

Teacher morale is a major issue in public and private schools. Low morale decreases engagement with colleagues and students, decreases productivity, reduces student learning, and breeds cynicism. On the other hand, when morale is high and the faculty culture is healthy, students excel socially and academically, teachers are productive and collaborative, and the school environment is dynamic and engaging. Given […]

Live weddings: “Yes, I accept” in the digital age

For most lovebirds, part of the joy of planning their weddings comes with sharing their “Big Day” with family and friends. Today’s low-cost communication advancements such as live streaming provide an alternative to holding a traditional wedding, as well as the option of live streaming a wedding to accommodate anyone unable to attend due to health, distance, cost or work. […]

How to turn nothing into something

Excerpted from Jim Rohn’s Weekend Seminar: Excelling in the New Millennium) Have you ever wondered how to turn nothing into something? First, to turn nothing into something, you have to start with some ideas and imagination. Now, it can be hard to call ideas and imagination nothing; but how tangible are those ideas? That’s a bit mysterious. I don’t think […]

Reflections on Lord Byron’s Childe Harold

I recently finished a novel. In Eileen McHugh, A Life Remade, I created a character named Alice, a retiring art teacher, as the main character’s sculpture teacher during her first year as an art student. The book’s structure called for the story, set in the 1970s, to be told by contemporary survivors from today’s perspective. Alice would not have lived […]

Trends That Set You Apart: SEO Techniques Every Web Designer Should Know

If it was a decade ago, then the term ‘SEO’ and web design would not have gone hand in hand. But today the thing is something else. The smart web world wants more from us and being unique is the first requirement of customers. Webing the business in a smart way along with decorating and designing the website for a […]

web video production

Every business strives to get new customers and make sales. It is important to have a good marketing strategy. These days, it’s worth looking at what web video production can do for your business. We are bombarded with ads everywhere we go. On the street, in the cinema, etc., it seems that there is no end to people who want […]