Greek default: good news?

Anyone who followed the news this morning will have heard of the bondholders’ agreement to accept a reduction in their Greek sovereign debt holdings of €172bn. In financial jargon, bondholders have pulled their hair out, which means they’ve accepted the fact that they won’t get all their principal back when the bond matures. The figures announced this morning show that […]

Brand yourself as an artist on Twitter

My teenagers were mortified to find me on Twitter. First blogging and now this! But don’t let yourself underestimate the power of social networking and microblogging services. Twitter is one of the fastest ways to build brand awareness for you and your art business. What do I mean by brand? The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a […]

Start your home business and earn money immediately, without any talent, experience or skill

For whatever reason, people are hesitant to start a home business and make money at home because they don’t think they are “qualified.” They think they need more education. They think they are missing something and are not sure if they are “ready”. But the thing is, you can make money at home (or anywhere) without knowing anything about business, […]

The psychology of collecting

Where does writing about the Psychology of Collecting come from? I have no degree in any of the behavioral sciences. (I took Psychological Foundations of Education for my teaching credential a few years ago. I got an ‘A’, but frankly, I thought it was all a bit silly.) The answer is simple. I have made a hobby of observing people’s […]

Outstanding qualities of a successful leader

When it comes to leaders, does one size fit all?? Some management theorists list five or ten qualities that make a good leader, but does each situation require the same type of approach and the same skills? Generally speaking, a leader is someone who gets a group of people from point A to point B.. Will the person who defines […]

Is paralyzing fear stopping you in your tracks? The key to moving forward when nothing else works

I was browsing a friend’s Facebook page when I came across an article titled “How to Never Let Fear Hold You Back Again.” Although I had found similar titles while googling, I decided to see if the writer had anything fresh and new to share. I read the article. It was fine if on a scale of 1 to 10, […]

How to avoid project failure through project planning and effective project recovery

There you have it, project manager of a new project, you’ve done project planning and started implementation. Now you’re thinking about what you can tell your PMI colleagues at your next chapter meeting, creating a wonderful spreadsheet to prevent project failure and revolutionize project control, and learning how to use a new software package that just to buy, when BAM […]

Becoming a successful web reseller Part 2

For any reseller hosting service, there are many marketing avenues present online and even offline where through good marketing and advertising campaigns, these members can easily become Linux and Windows web resellers and build online business. profitable in the ever-growing and in-demand field. of hosting services. Reseller web hosting packages include almost all the necessary web tools and applications that […]

5 Ways to Leverage App Development for Your Business

According to global research by Accenture Mobility in 2015, the majority of senior executives across all key industries considered apps critical to their business, especially in light of the digital ecosphere many corporations are building around the experience. and customer commitment. Of course, today, app technology is commonly integrated into the entire customer experience, from major product innovators like Tesla […]

What are the benefits of using checks instead of cash or credit cards?

What are the benefits of using checks instead of cash or plastic is a question that many people often ask. Unless a person has a financial background, they usually don’t understand the differences between the benefits of using different forms of payment. However, these different forms of currency have vast differences when it comes to a person’s financial security. What […]