Cure Depersonalization Disorder and Derealization Symptoms

To truly cure depersonalization disorder (including derealization symptoms), you need to attack it on several different levels. If you don’t heed this advice, you could suffer from the disorder for years or even decades. Depersonalization is caused by disorganized attachment, emotional abuse, dysfunctional family systems, interpersonal trauma, chronic stress, exposure to traumatic events, obsessive and distorted thought patterns, and use […]

What Materials Can Be Engraved Using a Laser Engraving Machine?

Engraved Using a Laser Engraving Machine Laser engraving uses high-energy density heat to remove material from the surface of an object, creating a pattern that contrasts with its surroundings. A variety of materials can be engraved using a laser engraving machine, including wood, stone, glass, acrylic, and leather. Engraved designs can be simple, decorative, or functional. For example, engraving a […]