Waiting Tables: How to Get Higher Tips as a Waitress

For some, waiting tables is just a stopover on their work trips to another location. For others, it is a preferred job for many reasons, such as flexibility in shifts and working with the public. No matter why you’re waiting tables, here are some suggestions to help you fill your tip jar. 1: Be polite. There are many reasons why […]

Plant Spirit Shamanism – Master Plants – The Shaman’s Teachers – Part 1

Master plants (plant masters or plant masters) are key among the shaman’s tutelary spirits, his main allies and guides in the worlds of health and healing. In ordinary reality, they are also considered the most skilled and important ‘doctors’ in the jungle due to their usefulness and relevance to the healing concerns of most patients. Through the knowledge of these […]

Lost treasure of the cross on the rock

The LEGEND talks about how it is valued at over $350,000 or probably more given the recent spike in the price of gold and mentions how the Native Americans knew the “Cross on the Rock” story passed down from their elders. Also known as Borie’s Lost Treasure, it is conjectured to be one of America’s little-known caches of hidden wealth […]

Qual è il costo delle gomme per auto e come trovare le migliori offerte?

per auto e come trovare le migliori offerte Gli pneumatici sono una delle parti più importanti della tua auto e può essere difficile preventivarli. Ma ci sono modi per risparmiare sul costo dei nuovi pneumatici senza sacrificare le prestazioni o la sicurezza. Pneumatici Auto Il prezzo è solo una piccola parte dell’equazione quando si tratta di acquistare pneumatici per la […]