grow and rules

I remember one of the hardest things about being a kid was learning all the rules that came with growing up. For a child, things were always black or white, good or bad, right or wrong. The best way I learned was by listening and taking care of my parents, yes, but I also learned by testing the same rules […]

Secret to fast weight loss

There is a month to go before the big occasion, you have added weight, the suit does not fit you as you would have loved it, the wedding dress is too tight on you. You must have in this type of situation or someone close to you has experience. What can you do? Lose weight fast, everyone says, but how. […]

Top 5 tips for selling your home

I’ve put together some helpful tips for you (below) as you prepare to put your home on the real estate market. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the contact information at the bottom of this email. Disconnect your emotions When talking to real estate agents, you’ll often find that when they talk to you […]