8 tips to eat healthy while traveling

Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, you know that healthy food can sometimes be hard to come by. Or at least I should say that there are so many temptations out there that healthy options seem few and far between. Being prepared is 75% of the battle when it comes to eating healthy on the go. It definitely requires […]

English Grammar Check Software – Can it correct your writing?

English grammar proofreading software – can it save us time while we proofread our writing assignments? We can spend hours writing, rewriting, proofreading, and revising our various writing assignments trying to keep them correct and professional. Improving your English writing doesn’t have to be tedious; read more in the following article. quick introduction English grammar checker software suggests new ways […]

It’s a juggling act

Actors today have it harder than ever. More and more people are interested in acting at a professional level. The lure of fame and fortune is powerful, and rising to celebrity status in the acting world is an incentive to rival “Eve” tempting “Adam” in the Garden of Eden. Reality television is still alive and kicking and many viewers would […]

Minor Personal Injury Settlement in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, settling personal injury cases involving minors, meaning anyone under the age of 18, requires the approval of a judge. Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 2039 requires that any claim involving a minor as a party must have a court order approving the resolution of the case. Rule 2039(a) says that “No action in which a minor is a […]