Crazed Metaphors: Cousins ​​and Creativity

The desire to explore, the ability to see what isn’t here, and the willingness to step out of your comfort zone – these traits are kissing cousins. The same blood runs through his metaphorical veins. If you want to increase your CQ (creativity quotient), the first thing you should do is remind yourself that we are all capable of being […]

Apply facial makeup in 5 easy steps

You want to make up your own face but you don’t know how. Well here is the makeup application in 5 easy steps. Follow the instructions and try them out. You will dazzle like a diva wherever you go. Before you begin the process, have everything you need on hand. Some of the most important tools for facial makeup are: […]

Should you let your cat have a litter before being spayed?

A common myth about female cats (and female dogs) is that having just one litter before they are spayed makes them better pets. Supposedly, it teaches them about compassion, responsibility, or whatever the person believes is associated with having “children.” That is a very sad and incorrect belief, because in the first place, we have an overpopulation problem to begin […]