What has more protein: turkey or tuna?

Do you like poultry? Or do you prefer fish? It mainly depends on what you prefer. Is your food preferably fish or meat? One of them is probably the base of your dinner, unless you don’t eat meat at all. Both animals will provide you with good quality protein. Turkey is not as generous in protein as tuna. A 150-gram […]

Beware of Squeeze Page Spammer

Leopards do not change their spots. With the laws and accepted standards regarding unsolicited bulk email marketing, also known as spam, having hardened in recent years, so has spammers’ resolve to find loopholes to justify their wrongdoing. The growth and now near full global acceptance of opt-in (sometimes called “double opt-in”) standards for email newsletter subscriptions has been encouraging. It […]

3 Astral Projection Secrets To Help You Astral Travel Tonight

The steps behind astral projection and learning how to successfully astral travel can be difficult. The reason why is simple. We make astral projection more difficult than it really is. Our minds have an uncanny ability to overanalyze everything. The main reason we do it is often because we fear stepping out of our comfort zone. Experiencing new things and […]

The mysterious effects of catnip

I have had cats all my life and had heard of catnip and its effects but refused to use it until I had gathered enough information. When all I knew about this herb was that it had potentially psychedelic effects on cats, I was hesitant to experiment with it. After years of collecting information and using catnip and catnip-derived toys […]