Isometric exercises: real or fake?

I get tired of reading on bodybuilding forums about isometric training and how these “internet experts” think it doesn’t work. They never offer facts or proof… only their opinion. Which they proudly pronounce as if it were the word of GOD! Well folks, here are the facts, read them and cry OR get emotional! I would like you to take […]

Federal Disability Retirement: A Basic Manual for the Federal and Postal Worker

Federal disability retirement benefits are available to all federal and postal workers who have a minimum number of years of federal service. For the Federal Worker or Postal Employee who is under the “old” system of Federal Service (under what is known as the Civil Service Retirement System), the minimum Federal Service requirement necessary to qualify for Retirement benefits Federal […]

Satanism and the US Military

America has strayed far from its status as a nation of God. Former members of satanic cults tell us that these cults slowly and progressively lead new members into satanic worship over a long period of time. First, these satanic cults deny that God and Satan exist. They then admit that Satan exists but explain that he is good. Then […]

My biggest dream is to visit you Africa

Africa here I come Who does not like to travel? Traveling is the best experience one can have in their life. With so many countries in the world to explore, I’m sure you would think that if he was rich enough, he would fly to the horizons of the world. From the North of Antarctica to the depths of the […]

What Does MPC Stand For in Cryptography?

MPC Stand For in Cryptography Those who are familiar with the crypto world have heard of MPC, but what does MPC stand for in cryptography? MPC stands for Multi-Party Computation and is a cryptographic technique that allows multiple parties to compute a function together. It is an effective way to avoid revealing sensitive information to an outside party. MPC is […]