Can’t lose weight? These 3 Annoying Hormones May Be To Blame

You’re always on a diet, you barely eat anything. Or you work out until your biceps ache and you turn blue in the face. But nothing seems to work. Weight loss used to be so easy for you, but now losing even a few pounds is a battle you can’t seem to win. Like many women, she doesn’t know what […]

The 5 Best Ways to Memorize Things While You Study

Oh, we remember how eventful Finals week was! Whether you’re in high school or even nearing the final stages of your college career, most would agree that any type of exam will rattle the nerves of the most confident and prepared student. One of the worst things some students will do is prepare for a multiple-choice test when they should […]

Catcher in the Rye: Mental Health Services and Social Connections for Children

JD Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye was required reading for my tenth grade English class. I remembered it as a story about the struggles of adolescence, the yearning for independence, and the reluctance to let go of youth. My son is now about the same age as I was when I read the book and we are experiencing his […]

4 Sales Tips for Managing the Modern Hectic Customer

Every time I get home around 5 PM, I walk into a frenzied fest of family fun. Claire makes tea, answers the phone, simultaneously helps with the children’s homework, pets the dogs, and empties the dishwasher. So soon I’m heading to my office to escape the carnage. Claire is totally exhausted right now and doesn’t have time to take care […]