top 10 sexiest tv shows

American TV series are often loaded with sex scenes, and the production seems to try to include at least 5 sex scenes in every episode. And people love it. In the following posts, I will introduce you to our Top 10 Sexiest TV Series in America. sex in the city First presented on HBO in 1998, this glamorous television show […]

And1 the teacher, or how to increase the vertical jump

In case you didn’t know, the 5’10” skinny guy from the And1 streetball team named The Professor, who is well known for his excellent ball handling, can actually dunk! And sure, he’s white! ! Like many top ballplayers, Grayson Boucher, aka The Professor, has a set workout that he sticks to. “Every day I’m in the gym for a minimum […]

Psychology of girls and their types

After a lot of research, I start that article, but I realize that it is an endless topic that has no end. Because each girl has her own psyche and all girls are different. Even so, I did my best to complete it concisely. First we start with the things that are common in most girls. 1. Girls are not […]

Vital Targets: Why Pressure Points Just Won’t Work in a Real Fight

A story of experience It was the early nineties; I was a young martial arts student who grew up with the idea that the “magic touch of death” really existed. It was on every page of the martial arts magazines, there were books written about it, it was the rage, and Jean-Claude Van Damme even made a movie about it. […]

3 easy ways to increase your small business sales

Having started my business career using the more traditional bricks and mortar business route, I know all too well how difficult it can be to grow sales for a small business. Sadly, today it’s even harder for local businesses to survive as more and more of us opt for the more convenient route of ordering our products online… But are […]