How to recognize emotional eating and what to do about it

What is Emotional Eating? • Emotional eating is using food as a means to deal with negative emotions, such as fear, anger, anxiety, frustration, boredom, or sadness. • It is using food to distract us from our feelings or to make us feel good temporarily because they are “comfort” foods. Facts about anxiety and emotional eating • Anxiety symptoms are […]

Pre-prepared Legal Documents – Why "Canned" Papers can get him canned

Watching the commercials on television late at night can be a great education for the estate planning attorney. It seems that every channel has a pre-packaged or “canned” mailer of legal documents to “save you the costs of hiring a high-priced attorney”: “Save thousands of dollars with our easy-to-complete form.” (insert type of document: wills, trusts, powers of attorney, deeds, […]

Reduce postmenopausal hot flashes with a simple breathing exercise

Lack of control or feelings of helplessness, along with the unpleasant effects of hot flashes, can be addressed with a simple breathing exercise. The exercise should be done when the woman experiences the first signs of approaching suffering. The exercise was developed by prominent Soviet physiologist Konstantin Buteyko, MD, PhD. He trained some 200 Soviet medical professionals on how to […]

Parsley in General and as a Garnish for Dishes

In today’s culinary world one of the most used and abused ingredients is parsley. Seems to be the dish garnish for lack of better. I think the reason I have a problem with using parsley is because it’s like choosing the easy way out in life. It’s not the road less travelled, it’s the highway. Don’t get me wrong, parsley […]