Coping With A Breakup: How To Stop Feeling Sick And Start Feeling Better

A good friend of mine called me the other day. Her boyfriend broke up with her the day before and now? She was sick as a dog. “My life sucks,” she croaked. “It’s not bad enough that they left me… now I have the flu.” Sounds familiar? If you’re anything like my friend, breakups literally make you physically sick. I’ve […]

How to be successful: Overcoming perfectionism and procrastination: two sides of the same coin

Perfectionism and procrastination are generally considered separate and unrelated topics. However, when examined closely, they look more like kissing cousins ​​than casual friends. Procrastination is an obvious obstacle to success and achievement; while the other, perfectionism, appears as the desire to present quality and precision. Most of the time, they both serve the same purpose… keeping you from achieving your […]

Causes of water retention in the body

If you think you have fluid retention (also known as fluid retention or sometimes edema or oedema), you probably have a swollen belly or swollen hands, feet, or face. Water retention causes swelling anywhere in the body. Excess water leaks out of the smaller blood vessels and collects in the spaces between them and the cells that make up your […]

Top Reasons to Consult Premier Workers’ Compensation Lawyers First

Every state has workers’ compensation laws to protect workers in every industry and career field. Getting hurt on the job happens more than most would think, and there are times when an employee who is injured while on the job can sue for workers’ compensation benefits. This can be a difficult field of law to fully understand, and there are […]

The 10 great strategies on how to improve your personal finances immediately

1. Know your current financial situation. Before you can make plans to save for anything, whether it’s for your children’s education, retirement, or buying your dream home, you need to know where you stand financially today. You may need to go to the trouble of getting a financial planner if you don’t know how to create a financial plan. If […]

Texas Goes To The Dogs – Basic Pet Care for a Summer of Fun

Is here. It’s finally here. After a harsh Texas winter, the shorts are coming off and the white legs shine underneath. Yes, Texans in Austin, Dallas, Houston and the small towns along the eastern border are already tanning. Yet somewhere in the midst of the flashy Gulf calls, there’s an equally important safety call. Summer brings great times: trips to […]