How book design and book marketing will keep your book alive

Too many authors spend all their time writing and then skimp on book design and marketing. They expect their publisher to handle all the details of book design and marketing, so they can just sit back and make millions year after year. So if these same authors decide to self-publish, they will quickly be lost in the morass of print-on-demand […]

Tips to lose weight – "Like like a bird – honestly" – The second part

Here are some ideas for you on how to solve your food problems: Try to keep a food diary for 3 days, including a weekend day. Everything you eat and drink – ALL – goes on that list, along with the amount and time of day. Also write how you felt: were you really hungry? Or maybe just bored and […]

NID Prep: 10 Most Common Prep Mistakes

Do you want to enter NID? So, I’m sure you’ve heard everything you need to do in preparation. Well, this article is going to give you what not to do. Here are the top 10 mistakes we’ve seen nearly every NID applicant make at at least one point in their preparation process. “I’m good at drawing, so I’m probably ready […]

How to lose the killer fat around your belly

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, the first piece of advice you get from your doctor is: lose weight. The fact is… most diabetics have too much belly fat. You have two types of fat around your waist… subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. subcutaneous fat It is the fat that is under the skin. It is visible fat and is […]

Looking for the best pet parrots for you

You may have found a parrot with a personality that appeals to you at your local pet store and now you want to buy it and take it home with you. However, before you decide to buy one, you should learn as much as you can about caring for one of these birds to make sure they make a happy […]

Kurus pokera turnīrus izvēlēties?

pokera turnīrus izvēlēties? Pokera turnīros ir svarīgi zināt, kuros pokera turnīros spēlēt, lai jūs varētu maksimāli palielināt savu peļņu. Dūži vienmēr ir vērtīgi, taču tie var arī tikt saspiesti, ja jūs saņemat sitienu. Nosakot, kuras rokas spēlēt, paturiet prātā, ka flops var mainīt izredzes uz jūsu kombināciju uzvarēt. Savienojuma rokas ir kāršu pāri ar vienādu uzvalku, piemēram, QQ, AK vai […]