creating a world of love

You never know when or how a message from the higher realms will appear in your life. And you also don’t know how that message will transform over time. Here is an example of one such message I received once. A few days after the 9/11 attacks, I was taking a shower when I suddenly heard a very strong man’s […]

Superfood Review: Proto-Col Green Magic

In this superfood review I discovered that Proto-Col Green Magic is a blend of 17 of the most effective and nutritious superfoods on the planet. Contains two of the highest sources of protein, traps cholesterol and helps remove it from the body. Proto-Col Green Magic contains a high concentration of natural minerals and trace elements. It also contains transferric acid, […]

Do LSAT scores determine success in your first year (1L year) in Law School?

Test preparation companies and the LSAC (Law School Admissions Council) point to a remarkable statistic when people question the effectiveness of the LSAT. That stat? High performance on the LSAT correlates strongly with success in the first year (Year 1L) of law school. Of course, as Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, bloody […]

New Moon Manifestation Ceremony – Manifest Your Biggest Dreams

The cycle of the moon is 28 days and it has a powerful effect on our energies. While the full moon completes this cycle and brings the energies of completion, completion, change, and release of those things that no longer serve us, the new moon brings the energies of creation, birth, rebirth, and manifestation. One of the best ways to […]

Persian Cat: An Elegant and Affectionate Breed

Persian cats are impressive cats with long hair. That said, according to the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), in 2015 the Persian cat breed was ranked as the second most popular breed in the United States. The first most popular breed is the exotic. The exotic breed looks like a short-haired Persian. As a result, I think these people love Persians […]