Gameplay on PC Rockstar Games has announced that GTA IV is coming to PC on November 18 and 21 in North America and Europe. Gameplay in GTA IV will be a bit different on PC than it is on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, mainly because players often use keyboards and mice instead of specialized controllers. However, Rockstar is adding […]

You can do cardio dance! 10 tips to get moving

It looks intimidating, doesn’t it? That room in the gym where they have classes with names like Cardio Kickboxing, Step Funk and Pump ‘n’ Jump. As you passed you’ve seen jocks out of the corner of your eye – it looks like a lot of fun. But you know you could never do that: you bump into yourself walking from […]

Has your ego been blocking your success?

One of the most difficult parts of a career change for lawyers is that it involves a change of identity. We are talking about an emotional attachment, not business. Remember the “You’ve got mail” line when Tom Hanks tells Meg Ryan, “It’s not personal, it’s just business,” and Meg Ryan says, of course, that it’s personal to her. Her business […]

Scuba Diving for Beginners – Equipment Explained

You are reading this article so, like so many others, you have become intrigued by the wonderful world of open water diving. The world of diving can seem too complex at first. This is usually due to the wide range of essential and non-essential equipment available that makes this hobby seem so daunting…never mind the fact that you will end […]

CO2 storage in Salt Cavern in northern Pennsylvania

Clarion County, Pennsylvania is in the conceptual stages of underground CO2 storage in salt caverns. Basically, the carbon dioxide released during the burning of coal for energy will be captured and pushed underground instead of into the environment, contributing to global warming. We have seen many examples of the other uses of salt cave storage, for example; natural gas, CAES, […]