The world doesn’t need another math textbook.

I know this statement is shocking. Some of you may feel that I have heralded the end of civilization as we know it. How on earth will people learn math without the latest and greatest math textbook? The answer is simple. In the same way that people have always learned mathematics before the modern educational system, doing it while going […]

Holidays in Kenya: a getaway to the Masai Mara

The spectacular beauty of the Masai Mara comes from hundreds of views; the elegant walk of a giraffe, the graceful run of a leopard and the attractive arrogance of the lion. It’s a nice idea to get away from boring meetings, demanding bosses and the tedium of everyday life. Africa is the continent where the first human remains were found […]

The best solution to lose weight does not require long hours of exercise in the gym

Are you one of those who eat tasty food and pray not to gain weight? Feeling drained from your normal training regimen? Do you feel your heart pounding when you complete your gym session? Then you must be desperately searching for a weight loss solution that will keep your body in shape without having to spend long hours working out […]

The Pros and Cons of Data Entry Jobs

There are more ways to earn extra money than you can imagine, so what’s so special about data entry jobs? Let me first explain what data entry work is, for those who don’t already know: A business has a lot of data that needs to be entered into a database or spreadsheet, but the work can’t be done. automatically. The […]

Postmodernism is the genesis of contemporary conspiracy theory

Postmodernism as a broad intellectual, social, and literary movement is difficult to capture and define, not least because of the deliberate wishes of some of its protagonists that the paradigm remain enigmatic. As many postmodernists question the practice and extension of meta and universal theories based on “truth” frameworks, there are obvious overlaps between postmodernism, philosophy, and the social sciences. […]

Your health and apple cider vinegar

organic amber Apple nutrition is widely known. While many throw away the core when they eat an apple, I eat the whole apple and leave nothing out, as the core contains the most important and beneficial part of the apple. Apple cider vinegar is an amber colored liquid made from apples and is a powerful cleansing and detoxifying agent. It […]