How can endomorphs lose fat? – Tips and tricks for endomorphs

Life is sometimes very hard, some are luckier than others. When you’re an endomorph, you obviously want to know how endomorphs lose fat. Maybe some of your friends who eat a lot of food and get very little exercise can get away with it, but you certainly can’t. Such is life and you have to work much harder than others […]

my son will make it

The spring thaw, don’t you love it? waiting for the crocuses to appear and the grass to turn green. For over fifty years, this was the time of year I lived for. The boys of the summer, 162 games in 180 days, what fun? I am no longer a participant, just a spectator. Yet every summer from the time I […]

What is the best sugar substitute?

As every type 2 diabetic knows, our basic problem is having too much glucose (sugar) floating around in our bloodstream instead of getting into our muscle cells because the receptors on those cells are blocked with fat. This excess sugar will eventually damage our body’s vital organs…heart, kidneys, brain, feet, and eyes…unless you can get rid of it. Addictive nature […]

The green iguana as a pet: the pros and cons

Find out why the green iguana makes a great pet Lizards are becoming very popular exotic pets, with the iguana being the most common of these lizards. There are many different types of iguanas, with the green iguana being the most popular. One thing that attracts green iguana buyers is that pet stores sell them quite cheap. However, they may […]