Good Writing Bad Writing and Market Forces

What is it that pushes some novels to the top of the commercial sales charts while other books wallow in poor sales rankings? What makes a blockbuster? great writing? Maybe not. A while ago I posted a blog, curtain down, in which I speculated on when and why the author of a thriller series should end it and end it. […]

Slow Carb Diet: it could be the right one

Like any other person, we tend to do things that we want and that can be beneficial for us. Most of the time, we can choose the wrong ones, but trying again is the good spirit you have to be able to find the right one. And for some reasons, we may find it difficult to find and have the […]

Is it too soon to incorporate?

Many young and first-time entrepreneurs hear a lot of advice on how to incorporate or form an LLC, or limited liability company, as soon as possible. While incorporation offers many benefits, including limited liability protection, not every startup should rush into forming a separate legal entity. Before deciding to incorporate or form an LLC, it is a good idea to […]

Top 10 ways to get rid of cellulite

If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about wrinkled, dimpled skin on your thighs and buttocks, you’re not alone. Cellulite affects nearly 90 percent of women of all shapes and sizes. Men rarely suffer from the condition. Understanding what cellulite is and how it occurs is one of the keys to getting rid of this unsightly condition. Find out how to get […]

First round final of Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Mega Challenge 2009 on ZEE TV

Today, December 11, 2009, the first round final of Mega Challenge starts on ZEE TV between West Bengal and Maharashtra. Each team performed Group, Duo and Jugalbandi songs. Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Mega Challenge 2009 on ZEE TV starts in Maharashtra. The team performed an excellent group song and got 7 points. On the other hand, West […]