Do you have acid reflux? Try this natural treatment for GERD

GERD is something no one wants to experience. However, acid reflux is very common. Stress, diet, and unhealthy lifestyle are often the causes of GERD. If you have acid, you may experience one or all of the following complications: inflammation, sore throat, breathing problems such as asthma, and fibrosis of the esophagus, which is a risk factor for esophageal cancer. […]

To transmit or not to transmit

There’s no arguing that streaming movies, shows, and music is extremely convenient for the average user, but is it really worth it? Being an author and recording artist myself, I’m not a huge fan of streaming services as they only pay pennies in royalties for any musical composition they stream. This is not fruitful for the average musician who used […]

The curse of psoriasis

If you are one of the many who suffer from psoriasis, then it is understandable that you feel that you are cursed. The skin condition is chronic, meaning it recurs when exposed to triggers like stress, weather conditions, and the like. There is no known cure that will definitively intensify the burden of the patient who bears it. Due to […]

How to pick up girls at the library

Any type of man can learn the art of picking up women, whether he’s an athlete, a model, a gamer, or even a guy who loves to read books in the library. Whether you’re someone who likes to go to the library or just someone looking for a challenge, picking up girls at the library is easier than you think. […]

Why better is better than better

No matter what your current circumstances are, the first step to getting better is a commitment to do just that. It’s amazing how many companies, marketing gurus, mentors, coaches, lawyers and doctors, and even rocket scientists, like to present themselves as “the best.” Claiming that you are the best in any industry or area of ​​expertise is simply false, or […]

Can I sue a bar for serving a drunk driver in Pennsylvania?

Under Pennsylvania Law, The Dram Shop Law, 47 PS Section 4-493.1 makes it unlawful for any business to “sell, furnish, or give any liquor or malted or brewed beverage, or permit any liquor or malted or brewed beverage to be sold , furnished, or delivered to any visibly intoxicated person.” In addition, the Law of the Statute and the jurisprudence, […]