How much does it cost to develop a mobile grocery delivery app?

“Oh thank goodness…groceries are delivered just in time, all thanks to my grocery delivery app.” We breathe a sigh of relief when we have such handy mobile apps for doing small household tasks like shopping. Especially in the Covid19 situation where we want there to be minimal exposure, these mobile grocery delivery apps are blessings in disguise. According to a […]

Dick Sutphen’s Mental Journeys

The concept of Mind Travel is really a worthwhile trip. No, this concept does not refer to the process of daydreaming. Rather, it refers to the process of tapping into your unlimited potential and using your mind to the fullest. Once you have done this, you will see any and all previously conceived limitations disappear. That is not an exaggeration. […]

Make your kitchen cabinets look great for less

Kitchen cabinets are one of the most prominent features in your kitchen. If your cabinets look worn or drab, it affects the overall look of your kitchen. The good news is that there are several options available that can easily update your kitchen with a modern look. Some options are expensive and others are cheaper. If you like the cabinet […]

The use of lithium-ion batteries in today’s electric vehicles

An electric vehicle battery, also known as an EVB, is a type of battery that powers the motors of an EV or HEV. Typically, these batteries can be rechargeable and fall under the category of lithium-ion batteries. Basically, these units offer a lot of capacity and provide a lot of energy per hour. Let’s find out how these batteries are […]

Does boiling really purify drinking water?

When camping, traveling abroad, or even after a malfunction at your local water treatment plant, it is recommended that you boil your water before drinking it. How effective is boiling? Does it really make the water safe to drink? And how long does the water boil? Why boil water?? The main reason boiling is recommended as a water treatment is […]

Top 4 Juice Books: Recommended Juice Books

As for juice books, these four are the cream of the crop. When it comes to learning more about juicing, read these books first. They are all very well written and packed with lots of great information. These juice books are not listed in any particular order. They’re all good, so pick one or read them all! 1. Complete Juice […]

Beat the lazy bug by joining a boot camp to lose weight fast

Is the sound of the phrase stay fit loud enough to make you want to roll over in bed and pull the covers up even tighter? Do you eat whatever food comes your way, and when you can’t find anything, eat whatever you can find at the nearest fast food? Are you too tired to take out the trash when […]

Shunkai’s story

The elegant Shunkai, also known as ‘Suzu’, was forced into an unwanted marriage at a young age. Later in her life, when she ended that marriage, she went to college and studied philosophy. To see Shunkai was to instantly love her. She also fell in love with others, wherever she went. Throughout the University, her love was with her, and […]

Wicking – Concept and definition of basement waterproofing

According to the Wicking dictionary it is: 1. A braided, twisted, or loosely woven rope or strand of fibers, as in a candle or oil lamp, that draws fuel to the flame by capillary action. 2. A piece of material that transports liquid by capillary action. wicked (w-kt), wick ing, wicks To transport or be transported by capillary action: water […]

Tenant’s rights and pets: the landlord against his cat

Too often I hear from people who are giving up their beloved family pet because the landlord enacted a new no pet policy, or because they are moving into a rental property that has a no pet policy. Less often, I also hear from owners who allow cats but require declawing. Before you agree to a rental policy that costs […]