Home Staging Tip: 7 ways to be the perfect seller, so your house is the one that sells!

If you’re selling a home on a buyer’s market, the odds are not in your favor. There has to be an “all hands on deck” approach, which means instead of handing it over to your real estate agent, you have to support them. Be the perfect seller and you will find that they will work that much harder for you […]

Why Many College Students Can’t Access Childhood Memories

As an instructor of writing classes for college freshmen, I’ve found that when we write about topics that interest us, we’re less likely to procrastinate and experience writer’s block. Teaching a class that is a degree requirement rather than a chosen elective sometimes results in a situation where students are, shall we say, a little less than enthusiastic. So, I […]

Tourist guide to the Colonial Zone, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo is the oldest city in the New World and was founded by Christopher Columbus and his younger brother, Bartholomew Columbus, in 1496. The part of the city inhabited in the early 16th century is called the Zona Colonial (Zona Colonial in Spanish). The Colonial Zone boasts many firsts for the New World. The first paved street, university, cathedral, […]

BOOK REVIEW: Raising Girls by Dr. James Dobson

Here is a checklist of who this book is for: -You are a dedicated viewer of Fox News -Attend a Christian church weekly, read the bible and pray daily (NO OTHER RELIGION IS ACCEPTABLE) -You blindly vote Republican every election cycle -You consider Bill O’Reilly or Bill Cosby as moral barometers to admire -You think America in 1950 was the […]

Great ideas for theme parties

Theme parties are a fun way to spice up your social life. Here are some theme ideas and tips on how to plan a great party. Invitation: Kick off a theme party with a well-written invitation. Let your guests know what your inspiration is and give suggestions on what to wear. Offer a prize for the best outfit to encourage […]

Invest in the stock market hoping for a quick profit

With the Dow Jones breaking record after record, it’s easy to see why the stock market serves as the fast track to financial freedom for many traders. The good news is that you don’t have to be a Wall Street broker or MBA holder with extensive experience in the capital markets to enjoy some of the incredible windfalls that Wall […]

Benefits of kitchen hoods

Bacteria are known to reproduce and grow faster in warm, moist environments. For example, hospitals are often cold. This is to help eliminate bacterial growth. Areas where food is prepared, such as a kitchen, are also prone to bacterial growth, and a copper hood can help reduce that risk by removing excess moisture and getting rid of the oppressive heat […]

The five vision habits for safe driving

Safety is everyone’s concern, especially when traveling from one place to another. With all the cases of madness on the road today, one needs to arm oneself with all possible tools to ensure a safe arrival at the desired destination. Having been involved in the trucking industry all my life and having driven close to 4 million miles without an […]

A Review of the Breville Je98xl Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

The Breville Je98xl Juice Fountain Plus 850 Watt Juice Extractor is a high-capacity juicer that can squeeze large amounts of fresh produce to make multiple cups of juice. It goes well with hard fruits and vegetables, as well as citrus. The design and appearance are elegant and elegant, arousing everyone’s admiration. More important than looks are the easy-to-use features of […]

Is art necessary?

I am an artist at heart and an accountant by profession. I make paper collage paintings and also enjoy painting with acrylics on canvas. I especially like learning new painting techniques and styles. However, for some time I have been tormented by the question “Is art necessary?”. I have felt that perhaps I should put my time to better use. […]